Internal and emergency medicine
Little information is available on acid-base imbalance in uncomplicated ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) submitted to primary percutaneous intervention (PCI). We therefore assessed acid-base imbalance in 257 consecutive uncomplicated STEMI patients submitted to PCI to determine whether its evaluation could help in identifying patients at higher risk for in-hospital complications (acute pulmonary edema and dysrhythmias). A basic metabolic profile was performed at hospital admission, that is before PCI. ⋯ R. 1.85 (95% CI 1.05-3.27) p = 0.035. In STEMI patients submitted to mechanical revascularization the evaluation of acid-base status and, in particular the detection of even mild degrees of acidosis may help in risk stratification for in-hospital complications. A Cl/Na < 0.79 ratio and a base excess are independent predictors for in-hospital complications.