Ulusal travma ve acil cerrahi dergisi = Turkish journal of trauma & emergency surgery : TJTES
Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg · Apr 2023
Variables affecting mortality rates in patients undergoing emergency abdominal surgery: A retrospective cross-sectional study.
Patients operated under emergency conditions have a higher risk of death and complications than those per-formed under elective conditions. Especially the patient group with high comorbidity needs to be evaluated more specifically. Accord-ing to the surgical risk and American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) scoring, the perioperative risk should be determined quickly, and the relatives of the patients should be informed. This study aimed to evaluate the factors affecting mortality and morbidity in patients undergoing emergency abdominal surgery. ⋯ The morbidity and mortality of patients operated on under emergency conditions increased compared to elective surgical operations, especially those over age 70. The 30-day mortality rate of patients who underwent emergency abdominal surgery is 3%, while the 1-year mortality rate is 5.5%. Mortality rates are higher in patients with a high ASA risk score. However, mortality rates in our study were found to be higher than the mortality rates in ASA risk scoring.
Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg · Apr 2023
Case ReportsTraumatic asphyxia with a 'masque ecchymotique' in a 14-year-old adolescent.
Traumatic asphyxia, which is manifested by facial edema, cyanosis, subconjunctival hemorrhage, and petechiae on the upper chest and abdomen, is a very rare clinical syndrome in children. In adults, the incidence of traumatic asphyxia was reported as 1 case/18,500 accidents, but the actual incidence is not known for pediatric population. Traumatic asphyxia is a mechanical cause of hypoxia resulting from sudden compression of the thoracic-abdominal region and the valsalva maneuver is necessary for the development of this syn-drome. Here, we describe a case of traumatic asphyxia with an ecchymotic mask in a 14-year-old boy who was referred to our pediatric emergency department.
Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg · Apr 2023
A new model for prediction of bowel gangrene in sigmoid volvulus.
Sigmoid volvulus is a pathology that can be mortal because it is frequently encountered in elderly patients. In case of bowel gangrene, mortality and morbidity increase further. We planned a retrospective study, in which the effectiveness of the model was evaluated by creating a model that aims to predict whether intestinal gangrene is present in patients with sigmoid volvulus only by blood tests and thus to quickly guide treatment methods. ⋯ Besides being non-invasive compared to the colonoscopic procedure, MVGM is a useful method for detecting bowel gangrene. In addition, it will guide the clinician in taking the patients with intestinal loop gangrene to emergency surgery without wasting time in the treatment steps, as well as avoiding complications that may occur during colonoscopy. In this way, we think that morbidity and mortality rates can be reduced.
Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg · Apr 2023
Intralesional bleomycin injection treatment of intra-abdominal lymphangiomas presenting with acute abdomen in children.
We evaluated the results of urgent intralesional bleomycin injection (IBI) treatment of intra-abdominal lymphan-giomas (IAL) presenting with acute abdomen in children. ⋯ IBI is a safe, fast, and easily applicable method with satisfactory results in the treatment of acutely presenting IAL. It may be recommended in primary as well as recurrent lesions.
Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg · Apr 2023
Safe, fast, and minimally-assisted microsurgical anastomosis with combined open-loop suturing and airborne tying: a clinical and experimental study.
The continuous open-loop technique accelerates anastomosis and eliminates the risk of inadvertently catching the back wall, which is the primary cause of technical failure when using interrupted sutures in microsurgical anastomosis. Combined with airborne suture tying, the total anastomosis time is significantly reduced. We conducted an experimental and clinical study to compare this combination to the conventional technique. ⋯ The open-loop suture technique with airborne knot tying allows surgeons to complete microvascular anastomoses safely and in less time with minimal assistance when compared to the simple interrupted suture technique.