International journal of older people nursing
Int J Older People Nurs · Jun 2016
Palliative care case conferences in long-term care: views of family members.
This paper examines the use of structured Palliative Care Case Conferences in long-term care. The issues families bring to the Palliative Care Case Conference, their level of distress prior to the conference, the extent to which these issues are addressed by staff and family satisfaction with this process are described. ⋯ Increased communication between staff and family, in the form of a Palliative Care Case Conference, may reduce stress, anxiety and unwanted hospitalisations during the palliative phase.
Int J Older People Nurs · Jun 2016
A national quality registers as a tool to audit items of the fundamentals of care to older patients with hip fractures.
The Swedish healthcare system has a unique resource in the national quality registers. A national quality registry contains individualised data concerning patient problems, medical interventions and outcomes after treatment, within all healthcare settings. Many healthcare settings face challenges related to the way they deliver the fundamentals of care, therefore, it is important to audit the outcome. It is estimated that the number of people aged 80 years or older will have almost quadrupled between 2000 and 2050. Hip fracture has been recognised as the most serious consequence of osteoporosis because of the risk of its complications, which include pain, acute confusional state, pressure ulcers, infections, disability, diminished quality of life and mortality. The aim of this study was therefore to explore if and how a national quality register can be used as an audit tool for the fundamentals of care when it concerns older patients suffering from a hip fracture. ⋯ Greater awareness, among hospital staff, of risk factors for complications in hip fracture patients may lead to improved patient care. Through registration in a quality register and working with the results we as Registered Nurses can ensure quality health care for older adults.