International journal of stroke : official journal of the International Stroke Society
The concept of the ischemic penumbra was formulated on the basis of animal experiments showing functional impairment and electrophysiologic disturbances with decreasing flow to the brain below defined values (the threshold for function) and irreversible tissue damage with blood supply further decreased (the threshold for infarction). The perfusion range between these thresholds was termed the "penumbra," and restitution of flow above the functional threshold was able to reverse the deficits without permanent damage. In further experiments, the dependency of the development of irreversible lesions on the interaction of the severity and the duration of critically reduced blood flow was established, proving that the lower the flow, the shorter the time for efficient reperfusion. ⋯ However, this analysis did not confirm an improvement in clinical outcome with delayed thrombolysis. Randomized controlled trials that did enroll patients based on the presence of a target mismatch on multimodal imaging demonstrated a higher benefit of revascularization treatment by comparison with those who did not and demonstrated for the first time that revascularization treatment for occlusion of an internal carotid artery (ICA) or a proximal middle cerebral artery (MCA) was still beneficial from 6 to 24 h after onset among patients in whom the clinical examination and the multimodal brain imaging indicate a persistent penumbra. On this background, the yield of imaging for the selection of patients for a revascularization therapy will be discussed.
Comparative Study
Efficacy and safety of endovascular treatment in acute ischemic stroke due to cervical artery dissection: A 15-year consecutive case series.
Limited observational data are available on endovascular treatment in acute ischemic stroke due to cervical artery dissection. Three studies comparing endovascular treatment with standard medical therapy or intravenous thrombolysis in cervical artery dissection-related acute ischemic stroke did not demonstrate superiority of endovascular treatment. Efficacy and the choice of endovascular treatment technique in this setting remain to be established. ⋯ In this single-center cohort of cervical artery dissection-related acute ischemic stroke with intracranial occlusion, endovascular treatment with prior intravenous thrombolysis may increase the risk of major radiological but not symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage. Despite the lack of clear superiority in our cohort, endovascular treatment should currently not be withheld in these patients.
Multicenter Study Observational Study
Systematic evaluation of stroke thrombectomy in clinical practice: The German Stroke Registry Endovascular Treatment.
Endovascular treatment has become standard of care for the treatment of acute ischemic stroke with large vessel occlusion. However, patients treated in clinical practice differ from the selected populations randomized in clinical trials. ⋯ Baseline characteristics of stroke patients undergoing thrombectomy in clinical practice differ from those in the randomized trials. The GSR-ET will provide valuable insights into practices of endovascular treatment in routine care of acute ischemic stroke. (GSR-ET Identifier: NCT03356392.).