Brain imaging and behavior
Brain Imaging Behav · Apr 2019
Presurgical localization and spatial shift of resting state networks in patients with brain metastases.
Brain metastases are the most prevalent cerebral tumors. Resting state networks (RSNs) are involved in multiple perceptual and cognitive functions. Therefore, precisely localizing multiple RSNs may be extremely valuable before surgical resection of metastases, to minimize neurocognitive impairments. ⋯ Besides, higher cognitive networks (DMN, ECN, DAN and LN) showed significantly larger spatial shifts than perceptual networks (SMN, AN and VN), supporting a functional dichotomy between the two network groups even in pathologic alterations associated with metastases. Overall, our findings provide evidence that ICA is a promising approach for presurgical localization of multiple RSNs from rs-fMRI data in individual patients. More attention should be paid to the spatial shifts of the RSNs before surgical resection.
Brain Imaging Behav · Apr 2019
Altered resting state functional connectivity of the cognitive control network in fibromyalgia and the modulation effect of mind-body intervention.
This study examines altered resting state functional connectivity (rsFC) of the cognitive control network (CCN) in fibromyalgia patients as compared to healthy controls, as well as how an effective mind-body intervention, Tai Chi, can modulate the altered rsFC of the CCN. Patients with fibromyalgia and matched healthy subjects were recruited in this study. Fibromyalgia patients were scanned 12 weeks before and after intervention. ⋯ Further analysis showed that the rACC/MPFC rsFC with both the PAG and hippocampus significantly decreased following Tai Chi intervention. Our study suggests that fibromyalgia is associated with altered CCN rsFC and that effective mind-body treatment may elicit clinical improvements by further increasing this altered rsFC. Elucidating this mechanism of enhancing the allostasis process will deepen our understanding of the mechanisms underlying mind-body interventions in fibromyalgia patients and facilitate the development of new pain management methods.
Brain Imaging Behav · Apr 2019
Regional entropy of functional imaging signals varies differently in sensory and cognitive systems during propofol-modulated loss and return of behavioral responsiveness.
The level and richness of consciousness depend on information integration in the brain. Altered interregional functional interactions may indicate disrupted information integration during anesthetic-induced unconsciousness. How anesthetics modulate the amount of information in various brain regions has received less attention. ⋯ Upon recovery of responsiveness, entropy was restored in the sensory but not in high-order cognitive systems. These findings provide novel evidence for a reduction of information content of the brain as a potential systems-level mechanism of reduced consciousness during propofol anesthesia. The differential changes of entropy in the sensory and high-order cognitive systems associated with losing and regaining overt responsiveness are consistent with the notion of "disconnected consciousness", in which a complete sensory-motor disconnection from the environment occurs with preserved internal mentation.
Brain Imaging Behav · Apr 2019
Abnormalities of regional homogeneity and its correlation with clinical symptoms in Naïve patients with first-episode schizophrenia.
Several resting-state neuroimaging studies have indicated abnormal regional homogeneity (ReHo) in chronic schizophrenia; however, little work has been conducted to investigate naïve patients with first-episode schizophrenia (FES). Even less investigated is the association between ReHo measures and clinical symptom severity in naïve patients with FES. The current study evaluated ReHo alterations in whole brain, and assessed the correlations between ReHo measures and clinical variables in naïve patients with FES. ⋯ Compared with the healthy control group, the FES group showed a significant decrease in ReHo values in the left medial frontal gyrus (MFG), right precentral gyrus, left superior temporal gyrus (STG), left left middle temporal gyrus (MTG), left thalamus, and significant increase in ReHo values in the left MFG, left inferior parietal lobule (IPL), left precuneus, and right lentiform nucleus (LN). In addition, the correlation analysis showed the PANSS total score negatively correlated with ReHo in the right precentral gyrus and positively correlated with ReHo in the left thalamus, the positive factor positively correlated with ReHo in the right thalamus, the disorganized/concrete factor positively correlated with ReHo in left posterior cingulate gyrus (PCG), the excited factor positively correlated with ReHo in the left precuneus, and the depressed factor negatively correlated with ReHo in the right postcentral gyrus and positively correlated with ReHo in the right thalamus. Our results indicate that widespread ReHo abnormalities occurred in an early stage of schizophrenic onset, suggesting a potential neural basis for the pathogenesis and symptomatology of schizophrenia.
Brain Imaging Behav · Feb 2019
High-sensitivity neuroimaging biomarkers for the identification of amnestic mild cognitive impairment based on resting-state fMRI and a triple network model.
Many functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies have indicated that Granger causality analysis (GCA) is a suitable method for revealing causal effects between brain regions. The purpose of the present study was to identify neuroimaging biomarkers with a high sensitivity to amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI). The resting-state fMRI data of 30 patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD), 14 patients with aMCI, and 18 healthy controls (HC) were evaluated using GCA. ⋯ This result suggests that analysing the directed connectivity of inter-hemisphere connections represents a sensitive method for revealing connectivity changes observed in patients with aMCI. Specifically, inhibitory within-DMN connectivity from the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC) to the hippocampal formation and from the thalamus to the PCC as well as excitatory within-SN connectivity from the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC) to the striatum, from the ECN to the DMN, and from the SN to the ECN demonstrated that changes in connectivity likely reflect compensatory effects in aMCI. These findings suggest that changes observed in the triple networks may be used as sensitive neuroimaging biomarkers for the early detection of aMCI.