Journal of surgical education
The amount of financial debt incurred by Texas medical students and residents during training was examined as well as the impact of this debt on these trainees' career choices. ⋯ Medical students and residents incur considerable financial debt, which seems to affect their career choices. Approximately half of the students and one third of the residents surveyed indicated that they would consider participating in a loan repayment program that required practice in an underserved area.
Blunt injury to the inferior vena cava (IVC) is a rare event, which occurs in 1% to 10% of blunt-trauma patients. Injuries usually result from deceleration, which causes atriocaval rupture or tearing of the hepatic veins, and are sometimes complicated by uncontrollable hemorrhage. An unusual case of focal extrinsic compression of the vessel caused by retrohepatic hemorrhage is reported, which ultimately has required no operative intervention and seems to have had no long-term ill effects. The literature on blunt injury to the IVC is reviewed, which includes a review of posttraumatic Budd-Chiari syndrome.