European journal of physical and rehabilitation medicine
Eur J Phys Rehabil Med · Oct 2017
Multicenter StudyTest-retest reliability and responsiveness of the Barthel Index-based Supplementary Scales in patients with stroke.
A lack of evidence on the test-retest reliability and responsiveness limits the utility of the BI-based Supplementary Scales (BI-SS) in both clinical and research settings. ⋯ The findings of this study provide empirical evidence of psychometric properties of the BI-SS for assessing ability and self-perceived difficulty of ADL in patients with stroke.
Eur J Phys Rehabil Med · Oct 2017
Multicenter Study Comparative Study Observational StudyFactors enhancing activities of daily living after stroke in specialized rehabilitation: an observational multicenter study within the Sunnaas International Network.
Stroke may lead to serious, long-term disability. Consequently, many individuals with stroke will be in need of rehabilitation, and some of specialized rehabilitation. The content and organization of rehabilitation vary within and between countries, reflecting the preferences, customs, traditions, and values of a society or community, that may have an impact on outcomes. The main aim of the present study was to evaluate the influence of team models in specialized rehabilitation on outcomes as measured by stroke patients' performance in activities of daily living (ADL), at a standardized time and at discharge in the various specialized rehabilitation clinics. Secondary aims were to identify explanatory factors for possible differences in ADL changes at standardized time points. ⋯ The results indicate that organization of services should be at target to optimize patients' outcomes in rehabilitation. Furthermore, that concentrated hour's related to specific goals in therapy are preferable to optimize functional recovery.
Eur J Phys Rehabil Med · Oct 2017
Wearable robotic exoskeleton for overground gait training in sub-acute and chronic hemiparetic stroke patients: preliminary results.
Recovery of therapeutic or functional ambulatory capacity in post-stroke patients is a primary goal of rehabilitation. Wearable powered exoskeletons allow patients with gait dysfunctions to perform over-ground gait training, even immediately after the acute event. ⋯ To plan a completely new individual tailored robotic rehabilitation strategy after stroke, including task-oriented over-ground gait training.
Eur J Phys Rehabil Med · Oct 2017
Controlled Clinical TrialMultidisciplinary rehabilitation program after breast cancer: benefits on physical function, anthropometry and quality of life.
Different clinical trials show beneficial effects of physical training offered during and/or after breast cancer treatment. However, given the variety of side effects that may be encountered, physical training could be combined with psychological, relational and social guidance. This kind of multidisciplinary program has been little studied so far. ⋯ Through its results, this study could contribute to the development of hospital quality standards for oncologic rehabilitation. Physiotherapists can efficiently propose this kind of multidisciplinary rehabilitation program.