In Denmark, guidelines from the Danish Orthopedic Society recommend that patients older than 65 years who sustain a Colles' fracture should be referred to assessment of underlying osteoporosis. An assessment of referral rates at our hospital during the period October 2010-September 2013 showed that none were referred. Due to this, an automatic out-patient referral system for assessment of underlying osteoporosis was established. With this system, patients are referred directly from the Emergency Department (ED). The purpose of this study was to assess how effective this new referral system was at improving referral rates for assessment of osteoporosis and to evaluate how many more cases of osteoporosis that was identified with this practice during the period October 2013-September 2014. ⋯ The results show that this type of automatic referral system can be an effective way of increasing the number of patients diagnosed with and treated for osteoporosis. It also shows that involvement of the ED in the screening for osteoporosis can be an effective way of increasing referral rates leading to higher rates of diagnosed osteoporosis. The early identification and initiating of treatment might result in a lower rate of secondary and potentially more severe osteoporotic fractures.
The reamer-irrigator-aspirator is increasingly being used to harvest autologous bone graft from the femur. The purpose of this study was to investigate the extent of neo-vascularisation and new bone formation that occurs within the medulla following the procedure, and determine if new bone formation would potentially allow a repeat bone harvest in those individuals subsequently requiring further bone graft. Eleven patients who had undergone femoral bone harvest were examined with MRI. ⋯ Intense vascularisation of the endostial cortical surface and neo-vascularisation of the haematoma within the canal occurred as soon as 3 months following bone harvest. From as early as 14 months the tissue was replaced by normal intramedullary bone. The formation of new bone within the medullary canal gives the potential for a repeat reaming, should further bone graft be required at a later date.
Intramedullary (IM) nailing is a standard surgical technique for treating long bone diaphyseal fractures. However, one complication is breakage of the IM nail. Many methods have been reported for removing broken nails. We devised another technique, using a Nancy nail, for removing a broken IM nail and report on the surgical technique and a case involving the use of our method.
Despite modern advances in fracture care, deep (implant-related) infection remains a problem in the treatment of tibia fractures. There is some evidence that antibiotic-coated implants are beneficial in the prevention of this sometimes devastating complication. In the following study we describe our results using a gentamicin-coated intramedullary tibia nail (Expert Tibia Nail (ETN) PROtect™) for the surgical treatment of complex open tibia fracture and revision cases. ⋯ Musculoskeletal complications place a cost burden on total healthcare expenditure. Better understanding of the epidemiology and pathogenesis is essential because this can lead to prevention rather than treatment strategies. The purpose of the study was to evaluate a gentamicin-coated tibia nail in the prevention of deep (implant-related) infection. In our patient population no deep infections occurred after placement of the gentamicin-coated nail. Following this study and literature data, antibiotic-coated implants seem a potential option for prevention of deep infection in trauma patients. In the future this statement needs to be confirmed by large randomised clinical trials.
Accurate peri-operative risk prediction is an essential element of clinical practice. Various risk stratification tools for assessing patients' risk of mortality or morbidity have been developed and applied in clinical practice over the years. This review aims to outline essential characteristics (predictive accuracy, objectivity, clinical utility) of currently available risk scoring tools for hip fracture patients. ⋯ In the search for a simple and inexpensive, easy to calculate, objective and accurate tool, the NHFS may be the most appropriate of the currently available scores for hip fracture patients. However more studies need to be undertaken before it becomes a national hip fracture risk stratification or audit tool of choice.