Despite modern advances in the treatment of tibial shaft fractures, complications including nonunion, malunion, and infection remain relatively frequent. A better understanding of these injuries and its complications could lead to prevention rather than treatment strategies. A retrospective study was performed to identify risk factors for deep infection and compromised fracture healing after intramedullary nailing (IMN) of tibial shaft fractures. ⋯ The purpose of this study was to evaluate risk factors of poor outcome after IMN of tibial shaft fractures. The univariate regression analysis showed that the nature of complications after tibial shaft nailing could be multifactorial. This was not confirmed in a multiple logistic regression model, which only revealed polytrauma and primary EF as risk factors for nonunion and deep infection, respectively. Future strategies should focus on prevention in high-risk populations such as polytrauma patients treated with EF.
Time is considered an essential determinant in the initial care of trauma patients. Salient tenet of trauma care is the 'golden hour', the immediate time after injury when resuscitation and stabilization are perceived to be most beneficial. Several prehospital strategies exist regarding time and transport of trauma patients. Literature shows little empirical knowledge on the exact influence of prehospital times on trauma patient outcome. The objective of this study was to systematically review the correlation between prehospital time intervals and the outcome of trauma patients. ⋯ Swift transport is beneficial for patients suffering neurotrauma and the haemodynamically unstable penetratingly injured patient. For haemodynamically stable undifferentiated trauma patients, increased on-scene-time and total prehospital time does not increase odds of mortality. For undifferentiated trauma patients, focus should be on the type of care delivered prehospital and not on rapid transport.
Lisfranc injuries are commonly asked about in FRCS Orthopaedic trauma vivas. The term "Lisfranc injury" strictly refers to an injury where one or more of the metatarsals are displaced from the tarsus. The term is more commonly used to describe an injury to the midfoot centred on the 2nd tarsometatarsal joint. ⋯ Martin (1790-1847), a French surgeon and gynaecologist who first described the injury in 1815. 'Lisfranc injury' encompasses a broad spectrum of injuries, which can be purely ligamentous or involve the osseous and articular structures. They are often difficult to diagnose and treat, but if not detected and appropriately managed they can cause long-term disability. This review outlines the anatomy, epidemiology, classification, investigation and current evidence on management of this injury.
The detection of occult or unpredictable injuries in motor vehicle crashes (MVCs) is crucial in correctly triaging patients and thus reducing fatalities. The purpose of the study was to develop a metric that indicates the likelihood that an injury sustained in a MVC would require management at a Level I/II trauma centre (TC) versus a non-trauma centre (non-TC). ⋯ The analysis indicated that the TSMAIS is not solely correlated with AIS severity and therefore it captures other important aspects of injury such as predictability and trauma system capabilities. The TS and TSMAIS can be useful in advanced automatic crash notification (AACN) research for the detection of highly unpredictable injuries in MVCs that require direct transport to a TC.
A number of studies have investigated the effect of presentation time on the outcome of patients presenting following trauma. However, it is uncertain whether there is a difference in the incidence of missed injuries between patients presenting during 'office hours' to those presenting in the 'after-hours' period. ⋯ Injuries in patients sustaining trauma are more likely to be missed 'after-hours' than during 'office hours'. T-spine and abdominal injuries are more likely to be missed when compared to other anatomical regions of the body.