Major trauma in older adults (MTOA) poses distinctive health and social care challenges, further underlined by the unique socioeconomic and geographical environment of Scotland. This study provides epidemiological trends of MTOA, to provide insight into areas where further evaluation and research are required. ⋯ MTOA is likely to be a rising health care burden, requiring larger quantities of health and social care resource. Urgent preventative strategies are required to reduce low velocity trauma (standing height falls), as well as the high mortality and morbidity of MTOA.
Healthcare disparities continue to exist in pediatric orthopedic care. Femur fractures are the most common diaphyseal fracture and the leading cause of pediatric orthopedic hospitalization. Prompt time to surgical fixation of femur fractures is associated with improved outcomes. ⋯ Patients of PSES or non-white race were more likely to experience delayed femoral fracture fixation. Delayed fixation led to worse outcomes and increased healthcare resource utilization. Research studying healthcare disparities may provide insight for improved provider education, implicit bias training, and comprehensive standardization of care.
Management of infected distal radius nonunion with a bone defect and radiocarpal and distal radio-ulnar joint arthritis is considered an orthopaedic challenge. Although several methods have been described but none provide a satisfactory solution. Free vascularised fibula bone graft constitutes a good option to eradicate the infection, correct the deformity, compensate for the shortening and maintain motion. ⋯ Free vascularised proximal fibula bone graft is a new indication for the treatment of an infected distal radius nonunion with a bone defect.
Occult instability in minimally displaced lateral compression (LC) pelvic ring injuries may have clinical relevance for treatment. We describe two novel LC pelvis fracture stress examinations - pelvic binder stress radiography (PBR) and pelvic binder stress bladder manometry (PBM) - which do not require sedation, anesthesia, patient transport, or radiation of personnel. ⋯ PBR is feasible, precisely quantified occult mechanical instability in simulated LC pelvis fractures in response to reproducible applied force, and discriminated between simulated LC pelvis fractures. PBM did not discriminate between simulated LC fractures. A clinical trial to validate the safety and efficacy of PBR for assessing occult instability in LC pelvis fracture is warranted.
Withdrawal of life sustaining treatment (WLST) occurs when medical intervention no longer benefits a patient's acute goals for care. The incidence of WLST in the trauma patient population is not well understood. The purpose of this study was to examine the incidence and independent risk factors associated with WLST. ⋯ More than half who die from trauma undergo withdrawal of life sustaining treatment. Elderly patients and those with severe TBI and low GCS scores are at high risk of experiencing withdrawal of life sustaining treatment. Further prospective evaluation is warranted.