Rib fracture nonunion is a probable cause of chronic pain following chest trauma, although its prevalence remains unknown. The aims of this study were to determine rib fracture nonunion prevalence following nonoperative management and to determine if presence of nonunion was associated with the number of rib fractures, or the rib fracture classification of anatomical location, type, and displacement. ⋯ Forty-three percent of patients with multiple rib fractures had radiographic nonunion six months after trauma. Fractures in ribs seven to 10 and dislocated fractures had an increased risk of rib fracture nonunion.
Multicenter Study
Does improved patient care lead to higher treatment costs? A multicentre cost evaluation of a blunt chest injury care bundle.
Blunt chest injury is associated with significant adverse health outcomes. A chest injury care bundle (ChIP) was developed for patients with blunt chest injury presenting to the emergency department. ChIP implementation resulted in increased health service use, decreased unplanned Intensive Care Unit admissions and non-invasive ventilation use. In this paper, we report on the financial implications of implementing ChIP and quantify costs/savings. ⋯ A total of 1705 patients were included in the cost analysis. The interaction (Phase x Treatment) was positive but insignificant (p = 0.45). The incremental cost per patient episode at ChIP intervention sites was estimated at $964 (95 % CI, -966 - 2895). The very wide confidence intervals reflect substantial differences in cost changes between individual sites Conclusions: The point estimate of the cost of the ChIP care bundle indicated an appreciable increase compared to standard care, but there is considerable variability between sites, rendering the finding statistically non-significant. The impact on short- and longer-term costs requires further quantification.
Geriatric patients discharged from the emergency department (ED) after an injury are at risk for adverse outcomes. Older patients are at a higher risk for sensory impairments and cognitive problems which can make comprehension of discharge instructions more difficult. Moreover, geriatric patients often have limited skills with or access to alternative sources of information, such as hospital web pages or phone applications, which could put them at a higher risk of undertreatment. Implementing telephone follow-up after discharge presents a potential solution to enhance information transfer and address problems related to the injury. ⋯ Telephone follow-up is a feasible intervention that may be able to enhance older patients' comprehension of discharge instructions and help identify new problems after discharge. During the follow-up call, the majority of patients received additional advice, indicating a potential demand for this intervention. The main limitation was that not all eligible patients were approached or did not want to participate in the intervention. Future studies should investigate whether telephone follow-up can effectively reduce adverse events and improve the quality of life for these patients.
In 2019, the World Health Assembly declared emergency care essential to achieve the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. Few sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries have developed robust approaches to sustainably deliver emergency medical services (EMS) at scale, as high-income country models are financially impractical. Innovative reassessment of EMS delivery in resource-limited settings is necessary as timely emergency care access can substantially reduce mortality. ⋯ LFR training is highly cost-effective according to WHOCHOICE guidelines and expands emergency care access. The LFR program may be an alternative approach to formal ambulance-reliant EMS that are cost-prohibitive in resource-limited, sub-Saharan African settings. A novel social/financial mechanism appears to incentivize long-term voluntary LFR involvement, which may sustain programs in resource-limited settings.
Whole-Body CT (WBCT) is frequently used in emergency situations for promptly diagnosing paediatric polytrauma patients, given the challenges associated with obtaining precise details about the mechanism and progression of trauma. However, WBCT does not lead to reduced mortality in paediatric patients, but is associated with high radiation exposure. We therefore wanted to develop a screening tool for CT demand-driven emergency room (ER)-trauma diagnostic to reduce radiation exposure in paediatric patients. ⋯ With the newly developed PePCI-Score, the frequency of WBCT in a paediatric emergency patients collective can be significantly reduced according to our data. After prospective validation, the initial assessment of paediatric trauma patients in the future could be made not only by the mechanism of injury, but also by the new PePCI-Score, deriving on clinical findings after thorough clinical assessment and the discretion of the trauma team.