To assess the relations among right ventricular (RV) pressures and volumes in sepsis. ⋯ During sepsis, RV EDV and ESV vary independently of changes in Pra and ejection pressure. These data can be explained by assuming that the RV is a highly compliant chamber during filling, such that changes in RV EDV do not alter RV wall stress (preload) or ejection efficiency (RVEF). Thus, changes in RV EDV should proportionally alter RV ESV. Furthermore, the slope of the ESV/EDV relation should be inversely proportional to ejection efficiency.
To determine the predictors of outcome in cardiac surgical patients with prolonged ICU stay. ⋯ Preoperative health status and early organ failure were not predictive of late hospital mortality. The pattern of late organ failure associated with hospital mortality changed with time.
Multicenter Study Clinical Trial
Clinical characteristics of patients with acute pulmonary embolism stratified according to their presenting syndromes.
The purpose of this investigation is to determine the characteristics of the history, physical examination, chest radiograph, and ECG, and the ventilation/perfusion (V/Q) lung scan probability in patients with pulmonary embolism (PE) stratified according to their presenting syndrome. ⋯ Many of the findings in the various syndromes of PE can be understood in terms of the severity of PE as it increases from mild with the pulmonary infarction syndrome to moderate with the isolated dyspnea syndrome to severe with circulatory collapse. The prevalence of various clinical and laboratory characteristics of patients with the syndrome of pulmonary infarction, isolated dyspnea, or circulatory collapse may give clues to the diagnosis or suggest characteristics that may reduce the likelihood of inadvertently discarding the diagnosis of PE.
Comparative Study
Lung reduction surgery in severe COPD decreases central drive and ventilatory response to CO2.
Lung volume reduction surgery (LVRS) improves ventilatory function in selected patients with severe COPD. The reasons for the observed benefits include the following: increased elastic recoil, improved airflow, and lesser dynamic hyperinflation and decreased lung volumes. We reasoned that these changes could also alter respiratory drive. ⋯ We conclude that decreased ventilatory drive should be added to the list of benefits of LVRS, and may help explain the symptomatic improvement reported by many patients after this surgery.
Case Reports
Bronchoscopic balloon dilatation in the combined management of postintubation stenosis of the trachea in adults.
Bronchoscopic balloon dilatation (BBD) using angioplasty balloon catheters has been employed successfully in the treatment of tracheobronchial stenoses in children and has worked with variable success in adults with bronchial stenosis. In adults with tracheal stenosis, BBD only has been reported anecdotally. ⋯ BBD was particularly successful in establishing tracheal patency when laser photoresection was contraindicated or was too dangerous; BBD allowed easy insertion of tracheal stents and the "opening" of folded silicone stents. BBD is a simple, inexpensive, safe, and efficient adjunct in the combined treatment of severe postintubation rigid tracheal stenosis in selected adults.