Bronchodilators form the foundation of symptomatic treatment of COPD. Several long-acting bronchodilators are now available for use in COPD, but publications of large-scale studies of their efficacy have, for the most part, postdated the publication of major clinical guidelines. ⋯ All three long-acting bronchodilators were found to effectively improve lung function; however, they differed in their effects on outcomes other than bronchodilation, with salmeterol demonstrating inconsistent efficacy compared with placebo in preventing exacerbations and improving health status, and only tiotropium demonstrating consistent superiority to the short-acting bronchodilator ipratropium. Based on this review, a treatment algorithm for the introduction of long-acting bronchodilators to patients with COPD is proposed, which includes the use of long-acting bronchodilators early in the treatment algorithm.
Although a strong correlation exists between long-term cigarette smoking, pulmonary inflammation, and COPD, efforts to identify populations at risk of acquiring COPD have so far been unsuccessful. To this end, noninvasive detection and monitoring of biomarkers of pulmonary inflammation in young healthy smokers may assist in this task. ⋯ Concentrations of certain inflammatory mediators and neutrophil chemotactic activity are increased in EBC of young healthy smokers. Collection and analysis of EBC may assist in early detection of cigarette smoke-induced pulmonary inflammation and identifying populations at risk for acquiring COPD.
To determine granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF), epithelial neutrophil-activating peptide (ENA)-78, and interleukin (IL)-8 in BAL fluid (BALF), epithelial lining fluid (ELF), and serum for establishing the concentration gradient of G-CSF, ENA-78, and IL-8 between the blood and the alveolar space in ARDS and acute lung injury (ALI); and to evaluate the relationship of G-CSF, IL-8, and ENA-78 to pulmonary neutrophilia and severity of lung injury. ⋯ G-CSF may be pathophysiologically important for accumulation and activation of neutrophils in ARDS. Local G-CSF production is the likely driving force for neutrophils rather than elevation of circulating levels. In comparison to ENA-78, IL-8 seems to be the predominant neutrophil chemoattractant in the early phase of ARDS.
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
The efficacy of premixed nitrous oxide and oxygen for fiberoptic bronchoscopy in pediatric patients: a randomized, double-blind, controlled study.
s: The aim of the study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of premixed 50% nitrous oxide and oxygen on the quality of sedation and pain control during fiberoptic bronchoscopy (FB) in children. ⋯ This study demonstrates the improved efficacy of sedation, pain control, and safety of premixed 50% nitrous oxide and oxygen for FB in children.