COPD Rehabilitation PostersSESSION TYPE: Poster PresentationsPRESENTED ON: Saturday, March 22, 2014 at 01:15 PM - 02:15 PMPURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of hospitalization in fatigue in COPD patients hospitalized due to an acute exacerbation. ⋯ The following authors have nothing to disclose: Irene Torres-Sánchez, Marie Carmen Valenza, Gerald Valenza-Demet, Irene Cabrera-Martos, María José Flores-Barba, Ascensión Rodríguez-RodríguezNo Product/Research Disclosure Information.
Critical Care Posters IISESSION TYPE: Poster PresentationsPRESENTED ON: Saturday, March 22, 2014 at 01:15 PM - 02:15 PMPURPOSE: Adequate tracheal sealing is imperative to avoid leakage of subglottic secretions into the lower airways during mechanical ventilation and thus to prevent ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP). Within acceptable upper limits of cuff pressure (i.e. 25cmH2O), an endotracheal tube (ETT) cuff made of ultrathin polyurethane prevents secretion inflow better than a conventional polyvinylchloride cuff. However, the temperature difference between ventilator gas and air inside a polyurethane cuff has been shown to produce condensation drops which may occlude the inflation line. We investigated whether this condensation process affected continuous cuff pressure monitoring and adjustment. ⋯ The following authors have nothing to disclose: Herbert Spapen, Walter Moeyersons, Wim Stiers, Emiel SuysNo Product/Research Disclosure Information.
COPD QVA149 PostersSESSION TYPE: Poster PresentationsPRESENTED ON: Saturday, March 22, 2014 at 01:15 PM - 02:15 PMPURPOSE: Sustained bronchodilation is thought to contribute to the reduction in exacerbations in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Here we evaluate the effect of once-daily QVA149, a dual bronchodilator fixed-dose combination of indacaterol and glycopyrronium, on lung function and exacerbation rates in comparison with tiotropium. ⋯ Jadwiga Wedzicha: Consultant fee, speaker bureau, advisory committee, etc.: JW has received speaking fee and/or for advisory boards from GlaxoSmithKline, AstraZeneca, Novartis, Bayer, Boehringer Ingelheim, Nycomed. Chiesi and Respifor as well as travel reimbursements from Boehringer Ingelheim. JW has received research grants from GlaxoSmithKline, AstraZeneca, Chiesi and Novartis. Angel FowlerTaylor: Employee: Novartis employee Peter D'Andrea: Employee: Novartis employee Christie Arrasate: Employee: Novartis employee Hungta Chen: Employee: Novartis employee Donald Banerji: Employee: Novartis employee The following authors have nothing to disclose: Joachim FickerNo Product/Research Disclosure Information.
Application of Light's criteria results in misclassification of some transudative effusions as exudative, particularly because of congestive heart failure (CHF). We sought to determine if the serum to pleural fluid albumin (SF-A) and serum to pleural fluid protein (SF-P) gradients increased the predictive accuracy to correctly identify exudative effusions. ⋯ Application of Light's criteria, not uncommonly, misclassifies CHF transudative effusions as exudates. In cases where no cause for an exudative effusion can be identified or CHF is suspected, the sequential application of the fluid LDH, followed by the SF-P and then the SF-A gradients, may assist in reclassifying pleural effusions as transudates.
ILD PostersSESSION TYPE: Poster PresentationsPRESENTED ON: Saturday, March 22, 2014 at 01:15 PM - 02:15 PMPURPOSE: Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) is a progressive fatal diffuse parenchymal disease. Pulmonary hypertension (PH) in IPF has been increasingly recognized as a condition with significant prognostic relevance. PH usually develops in patients with advanced IPF however there exists a subset of patients who develop PH at earlier stages. The objective of this study is to compare clinical, functional and radiological parameters in patients with IPF with and without PH at presentation. ⋯ The following authors have nothing to disclose: Margarida Redondo, Diogo Costa, Natalia Melo, Patricia Mota, Antonio MoraisNo Product/Research Disclosure Information.