Asthma exacerbations can be life-threatening, with 25,000 to 50,000 such patients per year requiring admission to an ICU in the United States. Appropriate triage of life-threatening asthma is dependent on both static assessment of airway function and dynamic assessment of response to therapy. Treatment strategies focus on achieving effective bronchodilation with inhaled β2-agonists, muscarinic antagonists, and magnesium sulphate while reducing inflammation with systemic corticosteroids. ⋯ However, mechanical ventilation in these patients often requires controlled hypoventilation, adequate sedation, and occasional use of muscle relaxation to avoid dynamic hyperinflation, which can result in barotrauma or volutrauma. Sedation with ketamine or propofol is preferred because of their potential bronchodilation properties. In this review, we outline strategies for the assessment and management of patients with acute life-threatening asthma focusing on those requiring admission to the ICU.
Observational Study
Association of Right Ventricular Afterload with Atrial Fibrillation Risk in Older Adults: The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study.
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is widely perceived to originate from the left atrium (LA). Whether increases in right ventricular (RV) afterload in older adults play an etiological role in AF genesis independent of LA and left ventricular (LV) remodeling is unknown. ⋯ In older adults, higher RV afterload is associated with greater AF risk independent of LA and LV remodeling. Future research should focus on confirming this novel association and elucidate underlying mechanisms.
Improved methods are needed to risk-stratify patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) and reduced FEV1. ⋯ Among individuals with CF and FEV1 ≤ 50% predicted, FEV1 percent predicted, oxygen therapy, and number of pulmonary exacerbations predicted 2-year death or LTx. Although limited by small sample size, only FEV1 remained predictive in patients receiving highly effective modulator therapy. Additional physiologic variables could improve prognostication in CF.
The narrative of the rise and fall of the stethoscope is partly written. Medical historians agree on the rise in its use; however, on the decline, they are less certain. ⋯ Primary sources include medical school curricula, books, medical journals, and popular literature. Trends and projections in patent applications for stethoscope modifications and sales of the instrument provide additional evidence for the robust position of the stethoscope in current American practice.
Editorial Comment
Maximum Respiratory Pressure Assessment: Standardization Is Required.