Brain connectivity
General anesthesia consists of amnesia, hypnosis, analgesia, and areflexia. Of these, the mechanism of hypnosis, or loss of consciousness, has been the most elusive, yet a fascinating problem. How anesthetic agents suppress human consciousness has been investigated with neuroimaging for two decades. ⋯ The changes in functional connectivity during anesthesia induction and emergence do not mirror each other; the recovery from anesthesia may involve increases in functional connectivity above the normal wakeful baseline. Anesthetic loss of consciousness is not a block of corticofugal information transfer, but a disruption of higher-order cortical information integration. The prime candidates for functional networks of the forebrain that play a critical role in maintaining the state of consciousness are those based on the posterior parietal-cingulate-precuneus region and the nonspecific thalamus.
In the past decade, the fast and transient coupling and uncoupling of functionally related brain regions into networks has received much attention in cognitive neuroscience. Empirical tools to study network coupling include functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)-based functional and/or effective connectivity, and electroencephalography (EEG)/magnetoencephalography-based measures of neuronal synchronization. Here we use simultaneously recorded EEG and fMRI to assess whether fMRI-based connectivity and frequency-specific EEG power are related. ⋯ The decreased connectivity within the visual system may indicate an enhanced functional inhibition during a higher alpha activity. This higher inhibition level also attenuates long-range intrinsic functional antagonism between the visual cortex and the other thalamic and cortical regions. Together, these results illustrate that power fluctuations in posterior alpha oscillations result in local and long-range neural connectivity changes.
The human brain is inherently organized as separate networks, as has been widely revealed by resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Although the large-scale functional connectivity can be partially explained by the underlying white-matter structural connectivity, the question of whether the underlying functional connectivity is related to brain metabolic factors is still largely unanswered. The present study investigated the presence of metabolic covariant networks across subjects using a set of fluorodeoxyglucose ((18)F, FDG) positron-emission tomography (PET) images. ⋯ In contrast, homotopic intersubject metabolic covariances observed using PET were comparable to the corresponding fMRI resting-state time-series correlations. The current study provides preliminary illustration, suggesting that the human brain metabolism pertains to organized covariance patterns that might partially reflect functional connectivity as revealed by resting-state blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD). The discrepancy between the PET covariance and BOLD functional connectivity might reflect the differences of energy consumption coupling and ongoing neural synchronization within these brain networks.
The default-mode network (DMN) was shown to have aberrant blood oxygenation-level-dependent (BOLD) activity in major depressive disorder (MDD). While BOLD is a relative measure of neural activity, cerebral blood flow (CBF) is an absolute measure. Resting-state CBF alterations have been reported in MDD. ⋯ Hypoperfusion within the DMN in MDD is not specific to the DMN. Still, depression severity was linked to DMN node perfusion, supporting a role of the DMN in depression pathobiology. The finding has implications for the interpretation of BOLD functional magnetic resonance imaging data in MDD.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Effects of L-dopa and oxazepam on resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging connectivity: a randomized, cross-sectional placebo study.
Pharmacological functional brain imaging has traditionally focused on neuropharmacological modulations of event-related responses. The current study is a randomized, cross-sectional resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging study where a single dose of commonly prescribed amounts of either benzodiazepine (oxazepam), L-dopa, or placebo was given to 81 healthy subjects. It was hypothesized that the connectivity in resting-state networks would be altered, and that the strength of connectivity in areas rich in target receptors would be particularly affected. ⋯ L-dopa mainly decreased connectivity between the Am and bilateral inferior frontal gyri and between midline regions of the DMN. The fALFF analysis revealed that L-dopa decreased low-frequency fluctuations in the cerebellum. It was concluded that the overall effects of single administrations of oxazepam and L-dopa on resting-state connectivity were small both in strength and in spatial extent, and were on par with placebo effects as revealed by comparing the two placebo groups.