International journal of clinical pharmacy
The concept of Pharmaceutical Care (PC) is being gradually developed, and it's impact in health care should be measured using a quality tool. ⋯ Our results suggest that the PSQ is a two dimensional instrument with psychometric properties able to assess patient satisfaction in community pharmacies. However, its validity and reliability need to be further confirmed in different PC settings and its sensitivity to measure changes in satisfaction over time also needs to be established.
To assess current experiences and attitudes of hospital based paediatricians towards off-label medicine prescribing. ⋯ Off-label prescribing of medicines to children is a familiar concept to the majority of paediatricians in Jordan although only a smaller number are aware that it is common in their practice. Respondents showed concern about off label prescribing, although the majority do not consider it necessary to inform parents. More comprehensive research is needed in this area in Jordan and other Middle Eastern countries.
The effects of physiological changes in patients with obesity on pharmacokinetic parameters and the time course of drug response, especially in the field of haematology/oncology, are poorly understood. For some antimicrobial drugs, dosing considerations exist, while for cytostatic drugs, dose modifications for obese patients are not consistently recommended. Glomerular filtration rate and renal perfusion appear to be similar in obese and normal weight individuals, thus elimination of hydrophilic and extensively renally cleared drugs mainly depends upon creatinine clearance. ⋯ Pharmacotherapy in morbidly obese patients undergoing allogenic stem cell transplantation is possible, if pharmacokinetic properties of the drugs are considered and close monitoring of plasma concentrations is performed.