JAMA facial plastic surgery
JAMA Facial Plast Surg · Dec 2016
Patterns of Facial Fractures and Protective Device Use in Motor Vehicle Collisions From 2007 to 2012.
Facial fractures after motor vehicle collisions are a significant source of facial trauma in patients seen at trauma centers. With recent changes in use of seat belts and advances in airbag technology, new patterns in the incidence of facial fractures after motor vehicle collisions have yet to be quantified. ⋯ 3.
There are well-described racial, sex, and age differences related to osteoporosis and hip and/or extremity fractures. Nonetheless, there has been virtually no inquiry evaluating whether these findings carry over to facial fracture. ⋯ 4.
JAMA Facial Plast Surg · Dec 2016
Measurement of Change in Lower Eyelid Position in Patients Undergoing Transcutaneous Skin-Muscle Flap Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty.
Transcutaneous lower eyelid blepharoplasty is a commonly performed procedure with a postoperative risk of eyelid malposition. ⋯ 3.
JAMA Facial Plast Surg · Dec 2016
Thirty-Day Hospital Revisit Rates and Factors Associated With Revisits in Patients Undergoing Septorhinoplasty.
Estimates of the 30-day hospital revisit rate following septorhinoplasty and the risk factors associated with revisits are unknown in the current literature. Surgical 30-day readmission rates are important to establish, as they are increasingly used as a quality care metric and can incur future financial penalties from third-party payers and government agencies. ⋯ 3.