Accident; analysis and prevention
Multicenter Study
Accident under-reporting among employees: testing the moderating influence of psychological safety climate and supervisor enforcement of safety practices.
We examined accident under-reporting with data from 425 employees employed in 5 industries with above average risk for employee injuries. We expected that rates for unreported accidents would be higher than rates for reported accidents; and that organizational safety climate and perceptions of supervisor enforcement of safety policies would moderate the relationship between unreported accidents and reported accidents. ⋯ Further, under-reporting was higher in working environments with poorer organizational safety climate or where supervisor safety enforcement was inconsistent. We discuss the implications of these findings for improving accident under-reporting and occupational safety in the workplace.
To explore the significant referents of safety perceptions among permanent and temporary employees in order to identify the boundaries of safety climate in a heterogeneous workforce. ⋯ Permanent employees view organizational and group levels as significant referents of safety perceptions, while temporary employees focus on the individual level. The results challenge the current view of safety climate as a uniform concept for all employees and prescribe boundary conditions for safety climate. It is suggested that organizations should implement "tailor-made" safety-climate practices according to the referents of employee sub-groups.
This study examined the relationship between the organizational tenure of employees at a given worksite and safety climate strength (i.e., the variability of employees' perceptions of the policies, procedures, and practices regarding workplace safety). Results revealed that average worksite tenure was related to safety climate strength such that higher average tenure was associated with stronger safety climates. The moderating effect of tenure level on the relationship between tenure and climate strength was also examined. Results revealed a curvilinear relationship between mean worksite tenure and safety climate strength, such that at higher levels of worksite tenure, smaller increases in the group's average tenure improved climate strength to a greater extent than at lower levels of worksite tenure.
Multicenter Study
Perceived colleagues' safety knowledge/behavior and safety performance: safety climate as a moderator in a multilevel study.
This study presented a model specifying the relationship of unit-level safety climate and perceived colleagues' safety knowledge/behavior (PCSK/B) to safety behavior (safety compliance and safety participation), as well as safety performance (injuries and near misses). PCSK/B, a measure of descriptive norms, was taken as a new individual-level predictor. ⋯ The effect of PCSK/B on injuries was mediated by safety behavior. Implications for management and safety climate research were discussed.
The present study is concerned with the human factors that contribute to violations in aviation maintenance. Much of our previous research in this area has been based on safety climate surveys and the analysis of relations among core dimensions of climate. In this study, we tap into mainstream psychological theory to help clarify the mechanisms underlying the links between climate and behavior. ⋯ Fit statistics of the revised model were excellent with intentions, group norms, and personal attitudes combining to explain 50% of the variance in self-reported violations. The model highlighted the importance of management attitudes and group norms as direct and indirect predictors of violation behavior. We conclude that the TPB is a useful tool for understanding the psychological background to the procedural violations so often associated with incidents and accidents.