Accident; analysis and prevention
Urban collector roads are complex driving environments often encompassing both the mobility and the access road functions. In these conditions motorized traffic and vulnerable road users compete continually. Speed reduction measures may play a relevant role in these contexts, provided that such measures are also designed in compliance with the driver's capabilities and expectations. ⋯ The first was focused on the analysis of the mean speed profiles and revealed that the considered engineering treatments are able to control the speeding behaviour without providing a too high discomfort to the drivers. The second analysis was finalized to evaluate the driver's behaviour approaching zebra crossing, evaluating the impact of countermeasures allowing the drivers to perceive in advance a critical situation (a pedestrian that suddenly crossed the street) and consequently to perform a smoother and safer manoeuvre. The experiments confirmed the validity of the considered engineering treatments, allowing expecting the improvement of the traffic safety in via Pistoiese, and support the usefulness of virtual reality experimentations to predict of the safety effectiveness of design solutions, taking into account the drivers' behaviour.