American family physician
Animal bites are a significant burden to health care systems worldwide. In the United States, dog bites account for an average of 337,000 emergency visits and generate medical costs of up to $2 billion per year. Most animal bites in adults and children are from a dog, and most bite patients are children who have been bitten by animals known to them. ⋯ Imaging and laboratory studies are usually not required unless there is suspicion of a retained foreign body, damage to underlying structures, infection, or extensive injury. Primary closure of bite wounds may be performed if there is low risk of infection. The need for tetanus vaccination and rabies postexposure prophylaxis should be evaluated for each patient; bites that do not break the skin generally do not require rabies postexposure prophylaxis.
Syncope is an abrupt, transient, and complete loss of consciousness associated with an inability to maintain postural tone; recovery is rapid and spontaneous. The condition is common, resulting in about 1.7 million emergency department visits in 2019. The immediate cause of syncope is cerebral hypoperfusion, which may occur due to systemic vasodilation, decreased cardiac output, or both. ⋯ Patients are designated as having lower or higher risk of adverse outcomes according to history, physical examination, and electrocardiographic results, which can inform decisions regarding hospital admission. Risk stratification tools, such as the Canadian Syncope Risk Score, may be beneficial in this decision; some tools include cardiac biomarkers as a component. The prognosis of patients with reflex and orthostatic syncope is good; cardiac syncope is more likely to be associated with adverse outcomes.
American family physician · Nov 2023
Diagnosis and Management of Sodium Disorders: Hyponatremia and Hypernatremia.
Hyponatremia and hypernatremia are electrolyte disorders that can be associated with poor outcomes. Hyponatremia is considered mild when the sodium concentration is 130 to 134 mEq per L, moderate when 125 to 129 mEq per L, and severe when less than 125 mEq per L. Mild symptoms include nausea, vomiting, weakness, headache, and mild neurocognitive deficits. ⋯ Mild hypernatremia is often caused by dehydration resulting from an impaired thirst mechanism or lack of access to water; however, other causes, such as diabetes insipidus, are possible. Treatment starts with addressing the underlying etiology and correcting the fluid deficit. When sodium is severely elevated, patients are symptomatic, or intravenous fluids are required, hypotonic fluid replacement is necessary.