Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical Trial
Mood during epidural patient-controlled analgesia with morphine or fentanyl.
Mood states during epidural opioids are not known. The authors studied the change in mood during the 48-h period of epidural morphine and epidural fentanyl in 47 patients after elective hip or knee joint arthroplasty. ⋯ Mood states are significantly more positive during epidural morphine PCA than they are during epidural fentanyl PCA.
Comparative Study
Pretreatment or resuscitation with a lipid infusion shifts the dose-response to bupivacaine-induced asystole in rats.
The authors sought to confirm a chance observation that intravenous lipid treatment increases the dose of bupivacaine required to produce asystole in rats. The authors also measured the partitioning of bupivacaine between the lipid and aqueous phases of a plasma-lipid emulsion mixture. ⋯ Lipid infusion shifts the dose-response to bupivacaine-induced asystole in rats. Partitioning of bupivacaine into the newly created lipid phase may partially explain this effect. These results suggest a potential application for lipid infusion in treating cardiotoxicity resulting from bupivacaine.
It has been suggested that fibrosis present during the fibroproliferative phase of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) can be treated by corticosteroids. However, neither clinical nor microbiologic criteria permit differentiation of this fibroproliferative phase from a nosocomial pneumonia. The aim of this observational case series was to evaluate the safety and utility of open-lung biopsy (OLB) performed in patients receiving ventilatory support who had persistent ARDS despite negative bacterial cultures. ⋯ Open lung biopsy appeared to be a useful and acceptably safe diagnostic technique in patients with ARDS. It permitted the diagnosis of unexpected cytomegalovirus pneumonia.
Volatile anesthetic agents can activate the S channel, a baseline potassium (K+) channel, of the marine mollusk Aplysia. To investigate whether cloned ion channels with electrophysiologic properties similar to the S channel (potassium selectivity, outward rectification, and activation independent of voltage) also are modulated by volatile anesthetic agents, the authors expressed the cloned yeast ion channel TOK1 (tandem pore domain, outwardly rectifying K+ channel) in Xenopus oocytes and studied its sensitivity to volatile agents. ⋯ TOK1 is a potassium channel that is stimulated by volatile anesthetic agents. The concentrations over which potentiation occurred (EC50 values) were higher than those commonly used in clinical practice (approximately twice MAC).
The negative-pressure test using a self-inflating bulb (SIB) during emergency intubation was studied to determine its reliability and predictive value in this setting. ⋯ The SIB proved to be a sensitive and specific test for esophageal intubation in the emergency setting when used according to the protocol described, and it is complementary to carbon dioxide detection. The predictive value of the bulb syringe appears to be improved when a prolonged period for reinflation is allowed. It holds particular promise because of its low cost and portability.