Randomized Controlled Trial
Prophylactic Intrathecal Morphine and Prevention of Post-Dural Puncture Headache: A Randomized Double-blind Trial.
Prophylactic intrathecal morphine does not reduce the incidence or severity of post-dural puncture headache.
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Design, Synthesis, and Pharmacological Evaluation of Ultrashort- to Long-acting Opioid Analgetics. By Feldman PL, James MK, Brackeen MF, Bilotta JM, Schuster SV, Lahey AP, Lutz MW, Johnson MR, Leighton HJ. J Med Chem 1991; 34:2202-8. ⋯ The discrepancies between the in vitro and in vivo activities and variations in duration of action are probably due to different rates of ester hydrolysis by blood esterase(s). The [structure-activity relationships] with respect to analgesic activity and duration of action as a function of the various esters synthesized is discussed. It was also demonstrated that the duration of action for the ultrashort-acting analgetic, 8, does not change upon prolonged infusion or administration of multiple bolus injections.
Does Iso-mechanical Power Lead to Iso-lung Damage?: An Experimental Study in a Porcine Model.
Excessive tidal volume, respiratory rate, and positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) are all potential causes of ventilator-induced lung injury, and all contribute to a single variable: the mechanical power. The authors aimed to determine whether high tidal volume or high respiratory rate or high PEEP at iso-mechanical power produce similar or different ventilator-induced lung injury. ⋯ Different ventilatory strategies, delivered at iso-power, led to similar anatomical lung injury. The different systemic consequences of high PEEP underline that ventilator-induced lung injury must be evaluated in the context of the whole body.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Multimodal Analgesic Regimen for Spine Surgery: A Randomized Placebo-controlled Trial.
Various multimodal analgesic approaches have been proposed for spine surgery. The authors evaluated the effect of using a combination of four nonopioid analgesics versus placebo on Quality of Recovery, postoperative opioid consumption, and pain scores. ⋯ An analgesic pathway based on preoperative acetaminophen and gabapentin, combined with intraoperative infusions of lidocaine and ketamine, did not improve recovery in patients who had multilevel spine surgery.
Comment Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study Comparative Study
Myocardial Function during Low versus Intermediate Tidal Volume Ventilation in Patients without Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome.
Mechanical ventilation with low tidal volumes has the potential to mitigate ventilation-induced lung injury, yet the clinical effect of tidal volume size on myocardial function has not been clarified. This cross-sectional study investigated whether low tidal volume ventilation has beneficial effects on myocardial systolic and diastolic function compared to intermediate tidal volume ventilation. ⋯ In patients without ARDS, intermediate tidal volume ventilation decreased left ventricular and right ventricular systolic function compared to low tidal volume ventilation, although without an effect on diastolic function.