Editorial Comment
The Cognitive Neuraxis: Epidurals and Postoperative Delirium.
Opioids are a mainstay of treatment for pain worldwide. Pruritus, a common side effect of opioids, is a patient dissatisfier that limits their use in many clinical settings. Both parenteral and neuraxial administration of opioids frequently evoke pruritus. ⋯ Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain how opioids can give rise to pruritus, but specific knowledge gaps perpetuate debate. This review summarizes the clinical burden of opioid-induced pruritus and emphasizes recent discoveries of peripheral and central mechanisms for opioid-induced pruritus, particularly with respect to scientific and conceptual advances in spinal cord circuitry and mast cell biology. The mechanisms and effectiveness of existing medications used for clinical management of pruritus will be evaluated, and we will highlight the emerging preclinical utility of selective κ-opioid receptor agonists, such as nalfurafine, for the management of opioid-induced pruritus.
Editorial Comment
Emergency Airway Management in Patients with COVID-19: A Prospective International Multicenter Cohort Study.
Tracheal intubation for patients with COVID-19 is required for invasive mechanical ventilation. The authors sought to describe practice for emergency intubation, estimate success rates and complications, and determine variation in practice and outcomes between high-income and low- and middle-income countries. The authors hypothesized that successful emergency airway management in patients with COVID-19 is associated with geographical and procedural factors. ⋯ The authors report rates of failed tracheal intubation and emergency surgical airway in patients with COVID-19 requiring emergency airway management, and identified factors associated with increased success. Risks of tracheal intubation failure and success should be considered when managing COVID-19.