Randomized Controlled Trial
Ultrasound-guided superficial cervical plexus blocks for persistent pain after suboccipital craniotomies: a randomized trial.
The efficacy of superficial cervical plexus blocks for reducing persistent pain after craniotomies remains unclear. The authors tested the primary hypothesis that preoperative ultrasound-guided superficial cervical plexus blocks reduce persistent pain 3 months after suboccipital craniotomies. ⋯ Superficial cervical plexus blocks reduce the incidence of persistent incisional pain by about a third in patients recovering from suboccipital craniotomies.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Bioequivalence and pharmacokinetics of intravenous calcium during cesarean delivery.
Few studies have assessed the dose ratio of calcium gluconate to calcium chloride or defined the time course of change in serum ionized calcium concentration after intravenous injection. ⋯ This study confirmed a 3:1 dose ratio of calcium gluconate to calcium chloride and estimated the pharmacokinetics over the first hour after intravenous delivery. These data inform clinical care and may guide future trials assessing calcium efficacy to reduce bleeding in obstetric patients.
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study
Protamine Dosing for Heparin Reversal Following Cardiopulmonary Bypass: A Double-Blinded Prospective Randomized Control Trial Comparing Two Strategies.
Drug shortages are a frequent challenge in current clinical practice. Certain drugs (e.g., protamine) lack alternatives, and inadequate supplies can limit access to services. Conventional protamine dosing uses heparin ratio-based calculations for heparin reversal after cardiopulmonary bypass and may result in excess protamine utilization and potential harm due to its intrinsic anticoagulation. This study hypothesized that a fixed 250-mg protamine dose would be comparable, as measured by the activated clotting time, to a 1:1 (1 mg for every 100 U) protamine-to-heparin ratio-based strategy for heparin reversal and that protamine would be conserved. ⋯ A 1:1 heparin ratio-based protamine dosing strategy compared to a fixed 250-mg dose resulted in the administration of a larger total dose of protamine but no difference in either the initial activated clotting time or the amount postoperative chest-tube bleeding.