Plastic and reconstructive surgery
Plast. Reconstr. Surg. · Sep 2001
ReviewClearing the smoke: the scientific rationale for tobacco abstention with plastic surgery.
The use of tobacco is a significant contributor to preventable morbidity and mortality in the United States. A significant proportion of cardiovascular diseases, various oral and pulmonary neoplasms, nonmalignant respiratory diseases, and peripheral vascular disorders can be attributed to the use of cigarettes. ⋯ Tissue ischemia and wound-healing impairment secondary to the influence of tobacco is particularly problematic for the plastic surgeon, especially during elective facial aesthetic procedures, cosmetic and reconstructive breast operations, abdominoplasty, free-tissue transfer, and replantation procedures. By educating and providing guidelines to those patients who smoke and by refusing to operate on individuals who fail to abstain, tobacco-associated surgical morbidity in the plastic and reconstructive surgery patient can be eliminated.
Plast. Reconstr. Surg. · Sep 2001
The concept of fillet flaps: classification, indications, and analysis of their clinical value.
Tissue of amputated or nonsalvageable limbs may be used for reconstruction of complex defects resulting from tumor and trauma. This is the "spare parts" concept. By definition, fillet flaps are axial-pattern flaps that can function as composite-tissue transfers. ⋯ On the basis of these data, a classification was developed that facilitates multicenter comparison of procedures and their clinical success. Fillet flaps facilitate reconstruction in difficult and complex cases. The spare part concept should be integrated into each trauma algorithm to avoid additional donor-site morbidity and facilitate stump-length preservation or limb salvage.
Plast. Reconstr. Surg. · Sep 2001
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical TrialOral premedication for operations on the face under local anesthesia: a placebo-controlled double-blind trial.
Modern strategies for preventing or controlling pain and anxiety demand a premedication for operations using local anesthesia and for those using sedation or general anesthesia. For optimal patient care, the premedication should be given orally and, with respect to the outpatient basis of the operations, should have a short recovery period. Midazolam, one of the most favored premedications for general anesthesia, has been recommended as a premedication for operations using local anesthesia as well. ⋯ The least pain during the application of local anesthesia was experienced by the morphine group (37 percent) and the clonidine group (33 percent), in contrast to the midazolam group (60 percent) (p = 0.04). Morphine and clonidine met the requirements of pain reduction equally well. Nevertheless, considering the rate and intensity of adverse effects with respect to hemodynamic compromises, nausea, and emesis, clonidine is even better suited as an oral premedication for operations on the face using local anesthesia.
Plast. Reconstr. Surg. · Sep 2001
A current 10-year retrospective survey of 199 surgically treated orbital floor fractures in a nonurban tertiary care center.
This study characterizes the surgically treated patient population suffering from orbital floor fractures by use of current data from a large series consisting of 199 cases taken from a nonurban setting. Data were gathered through a retrospective chart review of patients surgically treated for orbital floor fractures at the University of Michigan Health System, collected over a 10-year period. Data regarding patient demographics, signs and symptoms of presentation, cause of injury, nature of injury, associated facial fractures, ocular injury, and associated nonfacial skeleton trauma were collected. ⋯ Associated cervical-spine fractures were rare (0.5 percent). Statistical examination, using odds ratios and chi-squared analysis, demonstrated significant associations that have not previously been reported. Impure and pure orbital floor fractures revealed striking differences in several demographic aspects, including mechanism of injury, signs and symptoms of presentation, spectrum of associated trauma, and the severity of concomitant trauma.