Anesthesia and analgesia
Anesthesia and analgesia · Nov 1997
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical TrialLight versus heavy sedation after cardiac surgery: myocardial ischemia and the stress response. Maritime Heart Centre and Dalhousie University.
The influence of light versus heavy sedation after coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery on the development of postoperative myocardial ischemia has not been described. After uncomplicated CABG surgery, 50 patients were randomly assigned to receive LOW (n = 24; target Ramsay Sedation Score [RSS] = 2) or HIGH (n = 26; target RSS = 4) sedation with propofol. Analgesia was provided to maintain a visual analog scale (VAS) pain score <7. Myocardial ischemia was identified perioperatively using continuous 3-lead Holter monitoring. By measuring creatine kinase (CK) MB levels preoperatively, at entry to the intensive care unit (ICU), and every 12 h for 48 h; and by obtaining serial 12-lead electrocardiograms (ECG) (preoperatively; 2, 4, 12, 24, and 48 h after ICU admission, 8:00 AM the morning after surgery; and 5 min pre- and postextubation), myocardial infarction was identified. Endocrine stress response was assessed by measuring serum cortisol levels preoperatively, on admission to the ICU, and 24 h postoperatively. In a subset of patients (LOW n = 10, HIGH n = 11), plasma and urinary catecholamine levels were also measured. There were no between-group differences in demographics, operative course, hemodynamic variables, or cortisol levels while in the ICU. The VAS pain score and target RSS were achieved and sustained, and they differed between groups. There were three myocardial infarctions in each group by CKMB criteria alone. No ECG-identifiable myocardial infarction occurred. The ST segment versus time curve (LOW 187 +/- 295 versus HIGH 1071 +/- 2137 mm/min) differed between groups. Urinary and plasma catecholamine levels were similar between groups over the observation period. We conclude that the use of a reduced sedation regimen in combination with adequate analgesia did not result in an increased endocrine stress response or risk of myocardial ischemia. ⋯ This randomized study of patients after coronary artery bypass surgery examined whether light (versus heavy) sedation with propofol in the intensive care unit was associated with an increased degree of myocardial ischemia. Using techniques to detect myocardial ischemia, including Holter monitoring, electrocardiogram, and myocardial enzyme measurements, no differences were found. We conclude that light sedation does not increase the endocrine stress response or the risk of myocardial infarction.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Nov 1997
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical TrialThe differential effects of prostaglandin E1 and nitroglycerin on regional cerebral oxygenation in anesthetized patients.
We evaluated the effects of prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) and nitroglycerin (NTG) on regional tissue oxygenation and use in the brain using near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). Twenty-four patients who underwent elective cardiac surgery were randomly divided into two groups. The study was performed after the induction of anesthesia and before the start of the surgical procedure. After measuring arterial and jugular venous blood gases, cardiovascular hemodynamics, and relative cerebral oxyhemoglobin (HbO2), deoxyhemoglobin, and cytochrome aa3 at the baseline, PGE1 (n = 12) or NTG (n = 12) was infused intravenously at a rate of 0.3 g/kg or 5 g/kg, respectively. Thirty minutes after the start of drug infusion, administration of the drugs was stopped. Both PGE1 and NTG reduced mean arterial pressure to approximately 70% of the baseline value 10, 20, and 30 min after start of drug infusion (P < 0.05). Internal jugular venous pressure increased significantly during NTG but not during PGE1 infusion (P < 0.05). PGE1 increased HbO2 concentration, which was sustained for 30 min after discontinuing the drug. NTG increased HbO2 concentration, but this gradually returned to the baseline level after discontinuation of the drug. Baseline value of jugular oxygen saturation was 64.5% +/- 2.1%, and there was no significant changes during the infusion of PGE1 or NTG. These results demonstrate that both NTG and PGE1 increased cerebral oxygen saturation as measured by NIRS. This may be explained by local cerebral hyperemia without major alteration in flow/metabolism coupling of brain. The onset of this increase was slower and the duration of this effect after discontinuation of the drug was more prolonged with PGE1. These phenomena occurred despite the relatively similar time course of the effect of these two drugs on systemic hemodynamic values. ⋯ The cerebrovascular effects of vasodilators used for induced hypotension are not fully understood. In this study, we used near infrared spectrometry and jugular oxygen saturation measurement to assess the effects of prostaglandin E1 and nitroglycerin on cerebral perfusion. We found that nitroglycerin and prostaglandin E1 increase cerebral oxygen saturation as measured by near infrared spectrometry, but with different time courses. This information will hopefully help anesthesiologists to better maintain adequate regional cerebral oxygenation.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Nov 1997
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical TrialThe effect of epidural saline injection on analgesic level during combined spinal and epidural anesthesia assessed clinically and myelographically.
An epidural injection of physiological saline solution after spinal anesthesia may produce a higher level of analgesia than spinal anesthesia alone because of a volume effect. The purpose of this study was to clarify the volume effect caused by epidural injection of saline after spinal anesthesia. Twenty patients undergoing combined spinal and epidural anesthesia for elective surgery whose analgesic levels did not reach the surgical regions 10 min after spinal anesthesia at the L4-5 interspace were randomly assigned to two groups. The control group (n = 10) received no epidural saline injection. The saline group (n = 10) received 10 mL of saline through an epidural catheter at the L2-3 or L3-4 interspace 10 min after spinal anesthesia. In the saline group, the levels of analgesia 15 and 20 min after spinal anesthesia were significantly higher than those in the control group (P < 0.05). Next, we examined the volume effect of epidural injection of saline with myelography using two adult volunteers. In both volunteers, the upper level of the contrast medium, which was injected in the lumbar subarachnoid space, began to increase concurrently with lumbar epidural injection of saline, reaching from L3 to L1 and from L2 to T12. The diameter of the subarachnoid space diminished to less than 25% after injection of saline. We conclude that lumbar epidural injection of saline increases the analgesic level 10 min after spinal anesthesia, probably because of a volume effect. ⋯ In this study, using surgical patients and volunteers, we determined that a lumbar epidural injection of physiological saline solution 10 min after spinal anesthesia produces a higher analgesic level than spinal anesthesia alone because of a volume effect.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Nov 1997
Comparative StudyDose-related biochemical markers of renal injury after sevoflurane versus desflurane anesthesia in volunteers.
Sevoflurane (CH2F-O-CH[CF3]2) reacts with carbon dioxide absorbents to produce Compound A (CH2F-O-C[=CF2][CF3]). Because of concern about the potential nephrotoxicity of Compound A, the United States package label (but not that of several other countries) for sevoflurane recommends the use of fresh gas flow rates of 2 L/min or more. We previously demonstrated in humans that a 2-L/min flow rate delivery of 1.25 minimum alveolar anesthetic concentration (MAC) sevoflurane for 8 h can injure glomeruli (i.e., produce albuminuria) and proximal tubules (i.e., produce glucosuria and urinary excretion of alpha-glutathione-S-transferase [alpha-GST]). The present report extends this investigation to fasting volunteers given 4 h (n = 9) or 2 h (n = 7) of 1.25 MAC sevoflurane versus desflurane at 2 L/min via a standard circle absorber anesthetic system (all subjects given both anesthetics). Markers of renal injury (urinary creatinine, albumin, glucose, alpha-GST, and blood urea nitrogen) did not reveal significant injury after anesthesia with desflurane. Sevoflurane degradation with a 2-L/min fresh gas inflow rate produced average inspired concentrations of Compound A of 40 +/- 4 ppm (mean +/- SD, 8-h exposure [data from previous study]), 42 +/- 2 ppm (4 h), and 40 +/- 5 ppm (2 h). Relative to desflurane, sevoflurane given for 4 h caused statistically significant transient injury to glomeruli (slightly increased urinary albumin and serum creatinine) and to proximal tubules (increased urinary alpha-GST). Other measures of injury did not differ significantly between anesthetics. Neither anesthetic given for 2 h at 1.25 MAC produced injury. We conclude that 1.25 MAC sevoflurane plus Compound A produces dose-related glomerular and tubular injury with a threshold between 80 and 168 ppm/h of exposure to Compound A. This threshold for renal injury in normal humans approximates that found previously in normal rats. ⋯ Human (and rat) kidneys are injured by a reactive compound (Compound A) produced by degradation of the clinical inhaled anesthetic, sevoflurane. Injury increases with increasing duration of exposure to a given concentration of Compound A. The response to Compound A has several implications, as discussed in the article.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Nov 1997
Clinical TrialAcute normovolemic hemodilution can replace preoperative autologous blood donation as a standard of care for autologous blood procurement in radical prostatectomy.
Predonation of autologous blood (PAD) is a standard of care for patients undergoing radical prostatectomy, but recent studies have shown that PAD is not cost-effective. Acute normovolemic hemodilution (ANH) is an alternative autologous blood procurement technique that is much less costly than PAD. We compared the efficacy and costs of ANH alone to ANH combined with PAD. Two hundred-fifty patients who predonated fewer than 3 units of autologous blood before radical prostatectomy underwent ANH to a target hematocrit of 28%. Perioperative hematocrit levels, transfusion outcomes and costs, and postoperative outcomes were compared for patients who predonated 0, 1, or 2 units of blood before surgery. A computer model was used to estimate the savings in red blood cells (RBC) associated with each autologous intervention. ANH alone resulted in a 21% allogeneic transfusion rate and contributed a mean net savings of 112 mL RBC in blood conservation (equivalent to 0.6 unit of blood). The addition of 1 or 2 units of PAD reduced allogeneic exposure rates to 6% or 0%, respectively. Overall, patients who predonated blood had a mean net loss of 198 mL of RBC (equivalent to 1 blood unit), due to both an absence in compensatory erythropoiesis and to the wastage of 60% of the blood units donated. Patients who underwent ANH alone had a 60% reduction in mean total transfusion costs ($103 +/- $102) compared with patients who predeposited 2 units of autologous blood in addition to ANH ($269 +/- $11, P < 0.05). We conclude that ANH can replace PAD as an autologous blood option because it is less costly and equally effective. A combination of ANH and PAD can further decrease allogeneic blood exposure, but it increases transfusion costs and wastage. ⋯ A patient's own blood can be obtained for use in surgery by predonation or acute normovolemic hemodilution on the day of surgery. Both blood collection techniques decrease the need for blood bank transfusions, but acute normovolemic hemodilution is less expensive and more convenient for patients.