Anesthesia and analgesia
Anesthesia and analgesia · Sep 1998
The effects of desflurane on cardiac function as measured by conductance volumetry in swine.
The purpose of the investigation was to assess the effects of desflurane (DES) on left ventricular heart function during basal barbiturate anesthesia in a closed-pericardium, closed-chest acute swine model. The study was performed in 11 normoventilated adult pigs. Hemodynamic measurements were obtained using arterial, central venous, and pulmonary artery catheters, as well as a conductance volumetry and tip manometry catheter placed in the left ventricle. Hemodynamic measurements were recorded during basal pentobarbital anesthesia and with the addition of 1%, 2%, 4%, and 6% DES. DES dose-dependently decreased mean arterial pressure, systemic vascular resistance, left ventricular end-systolic pressure, dP/dtMAX and dP/dtMIN. At doses >1%, decreases in CO, stroke volume, ejection fraction, end-systolic elastance, preload recruitable stroke work, preload adjusted maximal power, and peak filling rate were observed. Heart rate decreased at 4% and 6% DES. Isovolumetric relaxation time increased only at 6% DES. We conclude that smaller doses of DES have a significant cardiodepressive effect in the setting of barbiturate infusion, as measured by conductance volumetry. ⋯ Desflurane, in very small doses, depressed cardiac function during pentobarbital anesthesia with ketamine and benzodiazepine premedication in swine, as assessed by conductance volumetry and left ventricular pressure and volume relationship analysis. These results suggest that desflurane, in combination with certain anesthetics, can be cardiodepressive even in very small doses.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Sep 1998
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical TrialIntrathecal, but not intravenous, clonidine reduces experimental thermal or capsaicin-induced pain and hyperalgesia in normal volunteers.
Clonidine is approved for intraspinal administration in the treatment of neuropathic cancer pain. Some studies have suggested an analgesic effect after systemic clonidine administration. The purpose of this study was to compare the analgesic effects of intrathecal and IV clonidine with acute noxious stimulation and with hyperalgesia from intradermal capsaicin injection in volunteers. Sixteen healthy volunteers received intradermal injections of capsaicin (100 microg) before and after the IV or intrathecal injection of clonidine 50 or 150 microg in a randomized, double-blind manner. Pain and areas of mechanical hyperalgesia and allodynia were determined at specified intervals. In addition, pain to noxious heat stimulation was determined. The capsaicin injection produced pain, followed by hyperalgesia and allodynia. The intrathecal, but not IV, injection of 150 microg of clonidine reduced capsaicin-induced pain and area of hyperalgesia. Intrathecal clonidine (150 microg) reduced pain to heat stimulation, whereas IV clonidine did not. The groups did not differ in hemodynamic or sedative effects from clonidine. These data support the value of intraspinal administration of clonidine for the treatment of acute pain and of pain states associated with hyperalgesia. Similarly, they suggest that analgesia from the systemic administration of this alpha2-adrenergic agonist, if any, is weak in doses that produce sedation and reduce blood pressure. ⋯ To the extent that the experimental pain conditions used in this study reflect those in patients with acute and chronic pain, these data support the spinal rather than IV injection of clonidine for analgesia.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Sep 1998
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study Clinical TrialIntrathecal clonidine and fentanyl with hyperbaric bupivacaine improves analgesia during cesarean section.
Seventy-eight pregnant women at term, scheduled for elective cesarean section, were enrolled in this multicenter trial to compare the analgesic efficacy and side effect profile of a spinal block with hyperbaric bupivacaine alone (Group B) or combined with 75 microg of clonidine (Group BC) or with clonidine 75 microg and fentanyl 12.5 microg (Group BCF). Intraoperatively, clonidine increased the spread of the sensory block and decreased pain (pain scores 23+/-7 mm vs 17+/-6 and 2+/-1 mm for Group B versus Groups BC and BCF; P < 0.05) and analgesic supplementation. This improved analgesia was best with the clonidine-fentanyl combination (Group BC versus Group BCF; P < 0.05). Postoperative analgesia was prolonged only in Group BCF (215+/-79 min vs 137+/-35 and 183+/-80 min for Group BCF versus Groups B and BC; P < 0.05). Blood pressure and heart rate changes were not significantly different among groups, whereas sedation and pruritus were significantly more frequent in Group BCF. Nausea and vomiting were decreased in Groups BC and BCF. Apgar scores and umbilical artery blood pH were not different among groups. We conclude that adding a small dose of intrathecal clonidine to bupivacaine increases the quality of intraoperative analgesia and decreases pain during cesarean section. Combining clonidine with fentanyl further improved analgesia. ⋯ In this study, we demonstrate improved intraoperative spinal analgesia by adding 75 microg of clonidine to bupivacaine; side effects were not increased. The combination of clonidine and fentanyl further improved analgesia but moderately increased sedation and pruritus.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Sep 1998
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical TrialOral antihistamines reduce the side effects from rapid vancomycin infusion.
Rapid infusion of vancomycin causes histamine-mediated side effects, hypotension, and rash, known as "red man syndrome." In this prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, we examined the ability of oral antihistamines to attenuate three clinical end points: rash, hypotension, and vancomycin discontinuation, and we compared these findings with those of a similar study using IV antihistamines. Patients (ASA physical status I-III) who required vancomycin prophylaxis for elective arthroplasty received either oral antihistamines (diphenhydramine < or = 1 mg/kg and cimetidine < or = 4 mg/kg, n = 20) or placebo (n = 10) 1 h before rapid vancomycin infusion (1 g over 10 min). The vancomycin infusion was discontinued if the mean arterial blood pressure decreased by > or = 20% or if itching was intolerable for the patient. Clinically significant hypotension developed in no treated patients, compared with five (50%) patients in the placebo group (P = 0.001). Rapid infusion was stopped for one treated patient (5%) and for five (50%) patients in the placebo group (P = 0.004). Incidence (P = 0.011) and severity of rash (P = 0.015) were also reduced in treated patients. Peak histamine levels were increased but were similar for patients in both groups (mean +/- SD, 1.9+/-2.5 vs 1.6+/-2.4 ng/mL; P = 0.75). Oral antihistamines were as effective as IV antihistamines. In conclusion, oral H1 and H2 antihistamine pretreatment is a practical, safe, and inexpensive option to attenuate histamine-mediated side effects associated with rapid vancomycin infusion. ⋯ Clinicians often must administer vancomycin faster than the 1-h recommended time, which can cause "red man syndrome" (rash, itching, hypotension). Our randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study showed that oral H1 and H2 antihistamine pretreatment significantly reduced the histamine-related side effects of rapid vancomycin infusion.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Sep 1998
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical TrialA double-blind comparison of ropivacaine, bupivacaine, and mepivacaine during sciatic and femoral nerve blockade.
No study has evaluated the efficacy of ropivacaine in peripheral nerve block of the lower extremity. The purpose of this prospective, randomized, double-blind study was to compare ropivacaine, bupivacaine, and mepivacaine during combined sciatic-femoral nerve block. Forty-five ASA physical status I or II patients scheduled for elective hallux valgus repair with thigh tourniquet were randomized to receive combined sciatic-femoral block with 0.75% ropivacaine (ROPI, n = 15), 0.5% bupivacaine (BUPI, n = 15), and 2% mepivacaine (MEPI, n = 15). Time required for onset of sensory and motor block on the operated limb (readiness for surgery) and resolution of motor block, as well as onset of postsurgical pain and time of first analgesic requirement, were recorded. The three groups were similar with regard to demographic variables, duration of surgery, and measured visual analog pain scores. Onset of sensory and motor blockade was similar in Groups ROPI and MEPI and significantly shorter than in Group BUPI (P = 0.002 and P = 0.001, respectively). Resolution of motor block occurred later in Groups ROPI and BUPI than in Group MEPI (P = 0.005 and P = 0.0001, respectively). Duration of postoperative analgesia was significantly longer in Groups ROPI (670+/-227 min) and BUPI (880+/-312 min) compared with Group MEPI (251+/-47 min) (P = 0.0001), with a significant decrease in postoperative pain medication requirements (P < 0.05). We conclude that for sciatic-femoral nerve block, 0.75% ropivacaine has an onset similar to that of 2% mepivacaine and a duration of postoperative analgesia between that of 0.5% bupivacaine and 2% mepivacaine. ⋯ Quick onset of block with prolonged postoperative analgesia is an important goal in peripheral nerve blockade. We evaluated the clinical properties of 0.5% bupivacaine, 2% mepivacaine, and 0.75% ropivacaine for sciatic-femoral nerve block and demonstrated that ropivacaine has an onset similar to that of mepivacaine but allows for postoperative analgesia between that of bupivacaine and mepivacaine.