Anesthesia and analgesia
Anesthesia and analgesia · Apr 2012
The Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation at 25: a pioneering success in safety, 25th anniversary provokes reflection, anticipation.
The Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation (APSF) was created in 1985. Its founders coined the term "patient safety" in its modern public usage and created the very first patient safety organization, igniting a movement that is now universal in all of health care. Driven by the vision "that no patient shall be harmed by anesthesia," the APSF has worked tirelessly for more than a quarter century to promote safety education and communication through its widely read Newsletter, its programs, and its presentations. ⋯ Specific alerts, campaigns, discussions, and projects have targeted a host of safety issues and dangers over the years, starting with minimal intraoperative monitoring in 1986 and all the way up to beach-chair position cerebral perfusion pressure, operating room medication errors, and the extremely popular DVD on operating room fire safety in 2010; the list is long and expansive. The APSF has served as a model and inspiration for subsequent patient safety organizations and has been recognized nationally as having a dramatic positive impact on the safety of anesthesia care. Recognizing that the work is not over, that systems, organizations, and equipment still at times fail, that basic preventable human errors still do sometimes occur, and that "production pressure" in anesthesia practice threatens past safety gains, the APSF is firmly committed and continues to work hard both on established tenets and new patient safety principles.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Apr 2012
Multicenter StudyIncreases in electroencephalogram and electromyogram variability are associated with an increased incidence of intraoperative somatic response.
sBIS, the variability of the Bispectral Index (BIS), sEMG, the variability of facial electromyogram power (EMG), and the Composite Variability Index (CVI) are 3 new measures of electroencephalogram and EMG variability. CVI is a single measure of the combined variability in BIS and EMG. We investigated whether increases in these variables are associated with intraoperative somatic responses. ⋯ sBIS, sEMG, and CVI, measures of electroencephalogram and EMG variability, increased when intraoperative somatic events occurred. sBIS, sEMG, and CVI discriminated between 10-minute segments that contained a somatic event and those segments that did not contain an event better than changes in HR and mean arterial blood pressure. Furthermore, CVI increases before somatic events began earlier than HR changes and may provide caregivers with an early warning of potentially inadequate antinociception.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Apr 2012
Comparative StudyComparison of whole blood fibrin-based clot tests in thrombelastography and thromboelastometry.
Fibrin-based clot firmness is measured as maximum amplitude (MA) in the functional fibrinogen (FF) thrombelastographic assay and maximum clot firmness (MCF) in the FIBTEM thromboelastometric assay. Differences between the assays/devices may be clinically significant. Our objective was to compare clot firmness parameters through standard (FF on a thrombelastography device [TEG®]; FIBTEM on a thromboelastometry device [ROTEM®]) and crossover (FF on ROTEM®; FIBTEM on TEG®) analyses. ⋯ These results demonstrate differences when measuring fibrin-based clotting via the FF and FIBTEM assays on the TEG® and ROTEM® devices. Point-of-care targeted correction of fibrin-based clotting may be influenced by the assay and device used. For the FF assay, data are lacking.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Apr 2012
Delayed treatment with lidocaine reduces mouse microglial cell injury and cytokine production after stimulation with lipopolysaccharide and interferon γ.
Neuroinflammation is an important pathological process for almost all acquired neurological diseases. Microglial cells play a critical role in neuroinflammation. We determined whether lidocaine, a local anesthetic with anti-inflammatory property, protected microglial cells and attenuated cytokine production from activated microglial cells. ⋯ Delayed treatment with lidocaine protects microglial cells and reduces cytokine production from these cells. These effects may involve action site(s) on the cell surface.