Anesthesia and analgesia
Anesthesia and analgesia · Jan 2014
Anesthesia Information Management System-Based Near Real-Time Decision Support to Manage Intraoperative Hypotension and Hypertension.
Intraoperative hypotension and hypertension are associated with adverse clinical outcomes and morbidity. Clinical decision support mediated through an anesthesia information management system (AIMS) has been shown to improve quality of care. We hypothesized that an AIMS-based clinical decision support system could be used to improve management of intraoperative hypotension and hypertension. ⋯ With automatic acquisition of arterial blood pressure and inhaled drug concentration variables in an AIMS, near real-time notification was effective in reducing the duration and frequency of hypotension with concurrent >1.25 MAC inhaled drug episodes. However, since phenylephrine infusion is manually documented in an AIMS, the impact of notification messages was less pronounced in reducing episodes of hypertension with concurrent phenylephrine infusion. Automated data capture and a higher frequency of data acquisition in an AIMS can improve the effectiveness of an intraoperative clinical decision support system.
Previous studies have shown that local anesthetics may induce apoptosis in some cell types. In this study, we investigated the apoptotic effects of local anesthetics in human breast tumor cells. ⋯ Lidocaine and bupivacaine induce apoptosis of breast tumor cells at clinically relevant concentrations. Our results reveal previously unrecognized beneficial actions of local anesthetics and call for further studies to assess the oncologic advantages of their use during breast cancer surgery.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Jan 2014
Practice GuidelineConsensus guidelines for the management of postoperative nausea and vomiting.
The present guidelines are the most recent data on postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) and an update on the 2 previous sets of guidelines published in 2003 and 2007. These guidelines were compiled by a multidisciplinary international panel of individuals with interest and expertise in PONV under the auspices of the Society for Ambulatory Anesthesia. The panel members critically and systematically evaluated the current medical literature on PONV to provide an evidence-based reference tool for the management of adults and children who are undergoing surgery and are at increased risk for PONV. These guidelines identify patients at risk for PONV in adults and children; recommend approaches for reducing baseline risks for PONV; identify the most effective antiemetic single therapy and combination therapy regimens for PONV prophylaxis, including nonpharmacologic approaches; recommend strategies for treatment of PONV when it occurs; provide an algorithm for the management of individuals at increased risk for PONV as well as steps to ensure PONV prevention and treatment are implemented in the clinical setting.