Anesthesia and analgesia
Anesthesia and analgesia · Oct 2015
ReviewClinical Research Methodology 1: Study Designs and Methodologic Sources of Error.
Clinical research can be categorized by the timing of data collection: retrospective or prospective. Clinical research also can be categorized by study design. ⋯ Comparative clinical trials are prospective cohort studies that compare treatments assigned to patients by the researchers. Most errors in clinical research findings arise from 5 largely distinguishable classes of methodologic problems: selection bias, confounding, measurement bias, reverse causation, and excessive chance variation.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Oct 2015
ReviewClinical Research Methodology 3: Randomized Controlled Trials.
Randomized assignment of treatment excludes reverse causation and selection bias and, in sufficiently large studies, effectively prevents confounding. Well-implemented blinding prevents measurement bias. Studies that include these protections are called randomized, blinded clinical trials and, when conducted with sufficient numbers of patients, provide the most valid results. Although conceptually straightforward, design of clinical trials requires thoughtful trade-offs among competing approaches-all of which influence the number of patients required, enrollment time, internal and external validity, ability to evaluate interactions among treatments, and cost.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Oct 2015
ReviewClinical Research Methodology 2: Observational Clinical Research.
Case-control and cohort studies are invaluable research tools and provide the strongest feasible research designs for addressing some questions. Case-control studies usually involve retrospective data collection. Cohort studies can involve retrospective, ambidirectional, or prospective data collection. ⋯ Causality-the most clinically useful relation between exposure and outcome-can rarely be definitively determined from observational studies because intentional, controlled manipulations of exposures are not involved. In this article, we review several types of observational clinical research: case series, comparative case-control and cohort studies, and hybrid designs in which case-control analyses are performed on selected members of cohorts. We also discuss the analytic issues that arise when groups to be compared in an observational study, such as patients receiving different therapies, are not comparable in other respects.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Oct 2015
A Recirculatory Model for Pharmacokinetics and the Effects on Bispectral Index After Intravenous Infusion of the Sedative and Anesthetic AZD3043 in Healthy Volunteers.
AZD3043 is a positive allosteric modulator of the γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor, with sedative and anesthetic properties. We describe a population pharmacokinetic (PK) model of arterial and venous concentrations of AZD3043 and the pharmacodynamic effects on bispectral index (BIS) in healthy volunteers. ⋯ AZD3043 had a high clearance and a low apparent volume of distribution, leading to a short half-life. However, the apparent volume of distribution was dose dependent (P < 0.001), leading to an increased half-life with increasing dose. The distribution to the effect site was fast and together with the short plasma half-life led to a fast onset and offset of effects.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Oct 2015
Several Ryanodine Receptor Type 1 Gene Mutations of p.Arg2508 Are Potential Sources of Malignant Hyperthermia.
Malignant hyperthermia (MH) is a pharmacogenetic disorder that occurs in predisposed individuals after exposure to volatile anesthetics or depolarizing muscle relaxants. Genetic mutations of ryanodine receptor 1 (RYR1), which are considered to cause MH, are found mainly in 3 regions called "hotspots." There are sometimes multiple mutations at the same site of RYR1. Although p.Arg2508 of RYR1 is located outside hotspots, several mutations or variants (including the known MH causative mutation p.Arg2508Cys) have been identified in this region. We hypothesized that any mutations or variants in RYR1 p.Arg2508 cause important changes in pathological conditions related to MH. In this study, we analyzed the functions of 4 different RYR1 variants containing mutations at p.Arg2508. ⋯ Any of these 4 mutations in RYR1 p.Arg2508 may cause important changes related to MH. Studying the effects of changes in amino acids at 2508 in RYR1 on the movement of this large protein may lead to a better understanding of the pathology of MH events.