Anesthesia and analgesia
Anesthesia and analgesia · Feb 2023
Preoperative Identification of Patient-Dependent Blood Pressure Targets Associated With Low Risk of Intraoperative Hypotension During Noncardiac Surgery.
Intraoperative hypotension (IOH) is strongly linked to organ system injuries and postoperative death. Blood pressure itself is a powerful predictor of IOH; however, it is unclear which pressures carry the lowest risk and may be leveraged to prevent subsequent hypotension. Our objective was to develop a model that predicts, before surgery and according to a patient's unique characteristics, which intraoperative mean arterial pressures (MAPs) between 65 and 100 mm Hg have a low risk of IOH, defined as an MAP <65 mm Hg, and may serve as testable hemodynamic targets to prevent IOH. ⋯ We demonstrate that IOH risk specific to a given MAP is patient-dependent, but predictable before surgery. Our model can identify intraoperative MAP targets before surgery predicted to reduce a patient's exposure to IOH, potentially allowing clinicians to develop more personalized approaches for managing hemodynamics.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Feb 2023
The Specialist Anesthesiology Workforce in East, Central, and Southern Africa: A Cross-Sectional Study.
The populations of the East, Central, and Southern African regions receive only a fraction of the surgical procedures they require, and patients are more likely to die after surgery than the global average. An insufficient anesthetic workforce is a key barrier to safe surgery. The anesthetic workforce in this region includes anesthesiologists and nonphysician anesthesia providers. A detailed understanding of the anesthesiologist workforce in East, Central, and Southern Africa is required to devise strategies for the training, retention, and distribution of the workforce. ⋯ The numbers of anesthesiologists in CANECSA member countries are extremely low-about 5% of the minimum recommended figures-and poorly distributed relative to the population. Strategies are required to expand the anesthesia workforce and address maldistribution.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Feb 2023
Prevalence and Outcomes of Opioid Use Disorder in Pediatric Surgical Patients: A Retrospective Cohort Study.
Chronic opioid use among adolescents is a leading preventable public health problem in the United States. Consequently, a sizable proportion of surgical patients in this age group may have a comorbid opioid use disorder (OUD). No previously published study has examined the prevalence of OUD and its impact on postoperative morbidity or mortality in the adolescent surgical population. Our objective was to investigate the prevalence of comorbid OUD and its association with surgical outcomes in a US adolescent surgical population. We hypothesized that OUD among adolescent surgical patients is on an upward trajectory and that the presence of OUD is associated with higher risk of postoperative morbidity or mortality. ⋯ OUD is becoming increasingly prevalent in adolescents presenting for surgery. Comorbid OUD is an important determinant of surgical complications, postoperative infection, and resource utilization, underscoring the need to consider OUD as a critical, independent risk factor for postsurgical morbidity.