The Annals of thoracic surgery
A 29-year-old gravid female presented at 22 weeks gestation with an acute Type I aortic dissection and coarctation of the aorta. She underwent emergent repair of her aortic dissection using cardiopulmonary bypass and hypothermia. At 25 weeks gestation, she underwent repair of her coarctation of the aorta. The patient had a cesarean delivery of a viable, normal male infant at 39 weeks gestation.
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
Pleural tent after upper lobectomy: a prospective randomized study.
The aim of the present study was to assess the cost/efficacy of the pleural tent procedure after upper lobectomy. ⋯ Pleural tenting after upper lobectomy is a safe and effective procedure and its routine use is warranted.
Idiopathic root dilatation often results in dysfunction of an otherwise normal aortic valve. To examine the effect of root dilatation on leaflet stress, strain, and coaptation, we utilized a finite element model. ⋯ Idiopathic root dilatation significantly increases leaflet stress and strain and reduces coaptation in an otherwise normal aortic valve. These alterations may affect valve-sparing aortic root replacement procedures.
A decade after the introduction of baffle fenestration, the outcome of Fontan-type repair for hearts with a functional single ventricle finally looks promising. Our study was designed to assess the impact of fenestration on the outcome of univentricular repairs. ⋯ Elective fenestration of the intraatrial baffle is associated with decreased Fontan failure rate and decreased occurrence of significant postoperative pleural effusions. Routine elective fenestration of the atrial baffle may, therefore, be justified in all univentricular repairs.
Right heart failure remains the leading early cause of mortality after heart transplantation, especially with antecedent pulmonary hypertension. Paradoxically, the discarded recipient right heart, acclimated to pulmonary hypertension, is often stronger than its nonconditioned donor replacement. Heterotopic ("piggyback") transplantation is plagued by problems related to the retained, dilated, hypocontractile left ventricle (lung compression, systemic emboli, arrhythmias). Were it possible to retain the recipient's right heart, excising only the left ventricle, this could have important advantages, especially in severe pulmonary hypertension. This report describes such a technique. ⋯ This investigation develops a technique for donor right ventricle sparing in cardiac transplantation, demonstrating technical and hemodynamic feasibility. This method holds promise for the unsolved clinical problem of right heart failure after orthotopic heart transplantation with antecedent pulmonary hypertension.