The Annals of thoracic surgery
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical Trial
Echocardiographic comparison of the standard end-hole cannula, the soft-flow cannula, and the dispersion cannula during perfusion into the aortic arch.
Dislodgement of aortic arch atheroma caused by a perfusion "jet" from the aortic cannula may be a major cause of atheroemboli during coronary artery surgery when using cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). Two very different cannulas, the Soft-Flow aortic cannula and the Dispersion cannula, which have been designed to reduce exit velocity (cm/s) during perfusion, are compared with a standard steel tip cannula and to each other. ⋯ The Dispersion cannula is significantly different with a lower perfusion velocity and the elimination of the exiting jet or jets. This cannula warrants further clinical study as it may reduce atheroemboli during cardiopulmonary bypass.
Transaortic repair of the tear was previously proposed as a compromise alternative to total arch replacement for acute type A aortic dissection with an arch tear. However, there are no data about long-term prognosis and radiologic findings after this procedure. ⋯ Transaortic repair of the arch tear with replacement of the ascending aorta can be an option in selected patients who have a small intimal tear in the aortic arch. This option would be more viable for less experienced surgeons who would hesitate to replace the total arch.
Acute renal failure (ARF) after cardiac operation with cardiopulmonary bypass is associated with a high mortality rate. The purpose of this study was to determine and quantify whether valvular heart operation is an independent risk factor for developing ARF. ⋯ Valve operation is an independent risk factor for postoperative ARF. This risk is further increased by prolonged cardiopulmonary bypass.
Arteriosclerosis of the ascending aorta is an important risk factor for cerebral embolism. However, the association between arteriosclerosis of the ascending aorta and neurologic dysfunction after coronary artery surgery has not been evaluated prospectively. ⋯ Severe arteriosclerosis of the ascending aorta significantly increased the risk of postoperative neuropsychologic dysfunction and stroke after coronary artery bypass grafting. If a thick plaque is noted near the manipulation site, a nontouch method of the ascending aorta should be applied to reduce the incidence of neurologic dysfunction.
The aim of this study is to report a series of spontaneous pneumomediastinum in a population of young, tall, and thin patients with a history of thoracic hyper pressure, and to analyze the assessment required in such patients. ⋯ Spontaneous pneumomediastinum follows alveolar rupture in the pulmonary interstitium. The dissection of gas towards the hilum and mediastinum is produced by an episode of acute high intrathoracic pressure. It affects mostly young people, and this is the case in our series. Endoscopic thoracic assessment may be risky and is not always necessary. Chest CT or esophageal contrast study should be performed in case of diagnostic doubt of esophageal perforation.