Wiener klinische Wochenschrift
Wien. Klin. Wochenschr. · Jul 2004
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical TrialA randomised controlled trial comparing remifentanil and fentanyl for induction of anaesthesia in CABG surgery.
In a prospective randomised trial we studied haemodynamic stability during induction of anaesthesia for CABG surgery in patients receiving remifentanil-propofol or fentanyl-propofol anaesthesia. ⋯ Our results show more stable haemodynamics after induction of anaesthesia in CABG surgery in patients receiving remifentanil-propofol than in patients receiving fentanyl-propofol.
Advance directive legislation has been in place throughout much of the United States for nearly 3 decades. The right to give an informed consent to or refusal of medical treatment has been recognized by state and federal courts, and that right has been determined to survive the loss of decisional capacity and may be exercised through the execution of instructional or proxy directives. Despite these developments, the percentage of the adult population with a formal advance directive of any type has never exceeded 15%. ⋯ Even unambiguous directives may not be followed at the critical stage in the trajectory of a patient's illness, and the accountability for such disregard by health care institutions or professionals is negligible to nonexistent. Nevertheless, there is real potential for advance directives, as a key element to sound advance care planning, to fulfill their initial promise as instruments of the prospective autonomy of patients. In order for that potential to be realized, primary care physicians must embrace advance care planning as a part of their professional responsibility to patients.
The author writes about various alternatives once decisional capacity is lost. So-called advance directives come in two forms: the living will and an appointed proxy for health care. The US--were these have been legally binding for over 20 years in all states--is a useful laboratory for studying the effect. ⋯ In civilizations which have at least basic medical care for all, discussing such documents becomes far more important. The EU is likely to make some form of advance directive have legal standing. The last 20 or more years that they have been utilized in the US may provide experience important for the time when the EU also makes such documents legally binding.