Wiener klinische Wochenschrift
Wien. Klin. Wochenschr. · Apr 2003
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study Comparative Study Clinical Trial[Evaluation of a new insulating system for infusion solutions in preclinical trauma therapy: a prospective, randomized study].
Infusion of cold fluids in a patient leads to a reduction of core temperature and subsequently worsens hypothermia. We evaluated the efficacy of a newly developed self-warming insulation device for use in pre-hospital rescue. ⋯ Our data show that even pre-warmed infusions from a warming box cool down considerably before they can be given to the patient. A self-warming insulation device can stabilize infusion temperature even under extreme conditions of prehospital trauma care.
To update our published systematic review of clinical trials of distant healing. ⋯ Since the publication of our previous systematic review in 2000, several rigorous new studies have emerged. Collectively they shift the weight of the evidence against the notion that distant healing is more than a placebo.
Wien. Klin. Wochenschr. · Apr 2003
Case Reports[Development of squamous epithelial carcinoma on the lower leg in long-term verrucous lichen planus].
Lichen ruber planus and squamous cell carcinoma are common diseases of the skin. Several publications have dealt with the association between these two types of dermatosis. ⋯ However, no study conducted so far was able to show that lichen planus of the skin increases the risk for squamous cell carcinoma. We report a 65-year-old man who developed a squamous cell carcinoma in a long standing verrucous lichen planus in the lower leg.
Wien. Klin. Wochenschr. · Feb 2003
Review Comparative Study[Noninvasive ventilation in the intensive care unit -- is it still negligible?].
Non-invasive positive pressure ventilation (NIPPV) has been discussed comprehensively in the last years, but usage of non-invasive ventilation in Intensive Care Units is rare. The reasons may be uncertainty in indications and difficulties in handling the masks and ventilators. In the last years the introduction of full face masks and respiratory helmets has made it possible to ventilate patients with unusual facial forms and to avoid problems of pressure necrosis. ⋯ Gas exchange disturbances in advanced lung fibrosis, pneumonia and ARDS are not amenable to NIPPV. Contraindications for NIPPV are non-compliant patients, absence of cough- and pharyngeal reflexes as well as retention of secretions and malignant ventricular arrhythmia. Relative contraindications are catecholamine-dependent circulatory collapse and acute myocardial infarction, since sufficient data for NIPPV are missing.