Transplantation proceedings
Lung transplantation for end-stage lung disease results in prolonged actuarial survival and improved pulmonary function. However, the shortage of donor lungs has been a major limiting factor in transplantation. The purpose of this study was to analyze the waiting time and mortality rate for each disease entity. ⋯ The mean time on waiting list was 8.2 months in the expired group and 3.7 months in the transplanted group (P = .012). In the expired group, the mean survival time was significantly shorter among patients with ARDS (2.2 months, P = .004) compared to IPF (7.9 months), COPD (10.7 months), and primary pulmonary hypertension (PPH) (30.0 months). The high mortality rate (42.5%) during the waiting period in Korea may result from the lack of donors and the delay in registration.
Islet transplantation is considered to be one of the most promising treatment for type I diabetes mellitus (TID). Development of the Edmonton protocol opened the possibility of insulin independence for the patients with TID. However, there is the problem of the donor shortage. ⋯ To achieve a high engraftment rate, is several attempts have sought to develop an appropriate site for transplantation and to modify beta-cells for long-term survival. It is also important to achieve early onset of blood perfusion after transplantation by prevascularization of the islets in vitro. These multiple approaches will bring a milestone in diabetes therapy.
Porcine organs are attractive for xenotransplantation, if severe immunologic concerns can be overcome. Recently, reengineered organs, with heterologous cellular materials removed but preserved organ architecture and vasculature have been created using small rodents in an effort to produce customized bioengineered organs. However, few studies have been performed to generate bioengineered organs from porcine sources. ⋯ Hematoxylin and eosin staining revealed no evidence of nuclear or cytoplasmic residues. Quantitative DNA analysis demonstrated a substantial reduction (0%-8%) of porcine DNA in the scaffolds. These results suggested that 3-D bioengineered scaffolds of porcine organs may have tremendous potential to produce non-immunogenic transplantable organs as well as beneficial tools for biomedical studies on organ re-engineering and repair.
The practice of retrieving vital organs from brain-dead donors is legally and medically accepted in Korea, but health care professionals' beliefs and opinions regarding these matters have not been sufficiently explored. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the knowledge and attitudes of health care professionals to the concepts of brain death and organ retrieval. ⋯ Compared with previous studies, the knowledge and attitudes of health care professionals' regarding brain death and organ retrieval were not improved. There are passive attitudes to brain death and organ retrieval. More research must be performed to promote knowledge and understanding toward brain death and organ retrieval among health care professionals.
Ventricular assist devices have benefited patients with end-stage heart failure as a bridge to heart transplantation (HTx). We present our experiment of HTx using extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) with Thoratec pneumatic ventricular assist device (TpVAD). ⋯ We used ECMO as a rescue procedure for acute hemodynamic deterioration. However, during ECMO support, left ventricular afterload increased. If prolonged support is required, TpVAD might be required: 15 (65%) of patients supported by ECMO with TpVAD needed to a wait a suitable donor. We recommend the application of ECMO for short-term support (within 1 week), and TpVAD as a bridge for medium- or long-term support.