Military medicine
Access to high-quality healthcare, including mental healthcare, is a high priority for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Meaningful monitoring of progress will require patient-centered measures of access. To that end, we developed the Perceived Access Inventory focused on access to VA mental health services (PAI-VA). However, VA is purchasing increasing amounts of mental health services from community mental health providers. In this paper, we describe the development of a PAI for users of VA-funded community mental healthcare that incorporates access barriers unique to community care service use and compares the barriers most frequently reported by veterans using community mental health services to those most frequently reported by veterans using VA mental health services. ⋯ Four new barriers specific to veteran access to community mental healthcare were identified. These barriers, which were largely administrative rather than arising from the clinical encounter itself, were included in the PAI for community care. Study strengths include capturing access barriers from the veteran experience across three geographic regions. Weaknesses include the relatively small number of participants and data collection from an early stage of Veteran Choice Program implementation. As VA expands its coverage of community-based mental healthcare, being able to assess the success of the initiative from the perspective of program users becomes increasingly important. The 47-item PAI for community care offers a useful tool to identify barriers experienced by veterans in accessing mental healthcare in the community, overall and in specific settings, as well as to track the impact of interventions to improve access to mental healthcare.
Chronic pain and reduced function are significant problems for Military Service members and Veterans following amputation. Peripheral nerve stimulation (PNS) is a promising therapy, but PNS systems have traditionally been limited by invasiveness and complications. Recently, a novel percutaneous PNS system was developed to reduce the risk of complications and enable delivery of stimulation without surgery. ⋯ Percutaneous PNS can durably reduce pain, thereby enabling improvements in quality of life, function, and rehabilitation in individuals with residual or phantom limb pain following amputation. Percutaneous PNS may have additional benefit for Military Service members and Veterans with post-surgical or post-traumatic pain.
Headaches are a typical presentation to a military medical department or emergency room. Having a broad differential diagnosis and utilizing a thorough physical exam can assist providers in honing down the list of pathology and in identifying potentially life-threatening causes of cephalgia such as intracranial tumors. In this case, a 27-year-old man presented with progressive headaches along with vision changes for the preceding 2-3 months. ⋯ Direct ophthalmoscopy was vital in this case to encourage referral for further management. In selected studies, emergency medicine providers performed ophthalmoscopy in 14% of patients, with roughly 10% of those patients having erroneous findings. Another study showed that 13% of all cases presenting to a large academic center had fundoscopic findings that were important to the final diagnosis.
Ongoing combat operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other theaters have led to an increase in high energy craniomaxillofacial (CMF) wounds. These challenging injuries are typically associated with complex tissue deficiencies, evolving areas of necrosis, and bony comminution with bone and ballistic fragment sequestrum. Restoring form and function in these combat-sustained CMF injuries is challenging, and frequently requires local and distant tissue transfers. War injuries are different than the isolated trauma seen in the civilian sector. Donor sites are limited on patients with blast injuries and they may have preferences or functional reasons for the decisions to choose flaps from the available donor sites. ⋯ While the epidemiology and characteristics of military CMF injuries have been well described, their management remains poorly defined and creates an opportunity for reconstructive principles proven in the civilian sector to be applied in the care of severely wounded service members. The War on Terror marks the first time that microsurgery has been used extensively to reconstruct combat sustained wounds of the CMF region. Our manuscript reviews various options to reconstruct these devastating CMF injuries and emphasizes the need for steady communication between the civilian and military surgical communities to establish the best care for these complex patients.
With the removal in 2016 of restrictions on recruiting women to the combat arms in the all-volunteer Australian Army, a key question has been whether adding women to small combat teams will reduce the sense of cohesion among their members, which entails their subjective bonds with each other, their leader, and wider organization. Despite recent initiatives in Australia and the USA, there are too few women in combat units in any country to answer this question and how these subjective bonds affect a team's ability to stick together under pressure.Men and women recruits in the Australian Army have undertaken basic soldier training in mixed-gender teams since 1995. Recruit training provides the foundation of teamwork and cohesion in all types of units. The present study capitalized on this well-established practice as an avenue for illuminating the development of cohesion in the form of subjective bonds within mixed-gender teams. ⋯ Within the Australian Army, women and men have been trained in mixed-gender sections since 1995 with sustained success, at least anecdotally. The present findings provide the first independent confirmation that all three dimensions of cohesion increase in strength during recruit training much to the same degree in women and men alike. To the extent that felt cohesion translates into effective teamwork, mixed-gender training establishes a sound foundation for integrating women into combat units as well as support units, where they have traditionally served.