Military medicine
Pregnancy is the second most common cause of limited duty days among active duty service members in the U.S. Military. Pregnancy accounts for 10% of all days on restricted duty, despite impacting a minority of active duty service members. One out of five service women will experience an unintended pregnancy every year despite the availability of no-cost contraception and reproductive healthcare. Young, single, junior enlisted service women experience the highest rate of unintentional pregnancy. Previous studies have demonstrated service branch-based variability in selection, initiation, and continuation of specific contraceptive methods related to service branch culture and access to contraception during basic training. It is unclear if these differences impact overall contraception use or fertility rates among junior enlisted service women in their first term of enlistment. This study examines rates of contraceptive selection, initiation, continuation, and efficacy among junior enlisted service women in their first 4-year enlistment period, and the service branch specific variability in these outcomes. ⋯ Service branch specific variability in contraceptive use is associated with differences in days of pregnancy-related duty restrictions during first 4 years on active duty among junior enlisted females. Robust implementation of best practices in contraceptive care across the military health system to improve contraceptive initiation and continuation appears to offer an opportunity to improve military readiness and promote the health and well-being of active duty service women, particularly in the army.
Blood vessel injuries in modern military conflicts account for 12% of all wounds (1), and 50%-95% of these involve arterial damage in extremities (3, 5). Furthermore, 10%-15% of all deaths on the battlefield occur due to extremity hemorrhage (2). Therefore, tourniquets and compression dressings continue to be the main methods of controlling extremity hemorrhage (4). ⋯ (1) Tourniquet application was appropriate in 24.6% of the wounded with tourniquets.(2) The success of hemostatic tourniquet use is dependent upon the experience of staff rather than the type of tourniquet used.(3) In patients with significant blood loss, the duration of ischemia should be calculated from the time of injury and not from the time tourniquet was applied.(4) During the reconstruction of the main arteries in extremities after the prolonged use of the tourniquet, a longer than usual anastomosis line is advised.(5) Injuries to upper extremities will be more common during active combat, compared to positional warfare in fortified positions.
This study estimated the direct medical and indirect costs associated with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) diagnoses among U.S. active duty (AD) Army service members (SMs). These cost estimates provide the U.S. Military with a better understanding of the financial burden of COVID-19 and provide a foundation for cost-effectiveness estimates. ⋯ The direct medical costs of a COVID-19 encounter in the MHS ($606) are a small portion of the costs for a SM with COVID-19. Indirect costs of lost and limited duty associated with COVID-19 averaged seven times higher ($4,331) and accounted for the vast majority of costs. Recognition of these costs is important especially given that soldiers in the hospital or in quarters being quarantined are complete losses of manpower to the Army. While the COVID-19 pandemic is ongoing and prevention, treatment, and mitigation efforts continue to evolve, having reliable estimates of direct medical and indirect costs from this study allows the U.S. Army and MHS to better account for the cost of this pandemic for its population.
Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is an aggressive variant of central nervous system gliomas that carries a dismal prognosis. Although GBM is the most frequently occurring and malignant type of glioma accounting for more than 60% of all brain tumors in adults, its overall incidence is rare, occurring at a rate of 3.21 per 100,000 persons. Little is known about the etiology of GBM, but one proposed theory is that GBM pathogenesis may be linked to a chronic inflammatory course initiated by traumatic injury to the brain. ⋯ The current research on the association between TBI and GBM is limited and conflicting, predominantly due to the low incidence of the disease in the general population. Evidence has indicated that TBI should be considered a chronic disease with long-term health impacts, including long-term disability, dementia, epilepsy, mental health conditions, and cardiovascular diseases. With the addition of our patients, as well as a recently published study proposing a molecular association between trauma and GBM, further research is needed to better understand the potential relationship.
The prevalence of prediabetes is estimated to be one-third of Americans with approximately 80% of these individuals unaware of the diagnosis. In the active duty military population, the prevalence of prediabetes is largely unexplored. The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence of prediabetes in military service members by quantifying those meeting prediabetes screening criteria, those actually being screened, and those being appropriately diagnosed. ⋯ Screening for prediabetes in the active duty military population is grossly inadequate, and even of those screened, diagnosing those meeting prediabetes criteria is similarly inadequate. Although this scenario is not unique to the Military Health System, but reflective of a larger national problem, efforts should be made within the Military Health System to increase the screening for this common disorder. Identifying service members with prediabetes enables opportunities for targeted interventions to delay or prevent the progression to diabetes mellitus.