Indian pediatrics
This prospective study was conducted to determine the frequency, etiology, type and outcome of shock in hospitalized children in the age group of 1 month to 15 years. There were 98 cases of shock, constituting 4.3% out of total admissions. Mean age was 2.8 +/-3.4 years. ⋯ The survival rate was best in hypovolemic shock (97.7%;) followed by septic(53.3%) and cardiogenic shock(43.7%). Inotropes and ventilatory support were required in 46% and 23% patients, respectively. Diagnosis and management of shock in compensated stage carried better prognosis than in uncompensated shock irrespective of the age of the patient.
This study was designed to examine the effect of nitroglycerine infusion in children hospitalized for scorpion sting with severe myocardial dysfunction and decompensated shock. Children satisfying the inclusion criteria were started on nitroglycerine infusion under hemodynamic monitoring and other supportive measures. The effects of nitroglycerine, including improvement in oxygenation and decrease in pulmonary congestion and liver size were recorded. ⋯ The average duration of nitroglycerine infusion was 25 hours (12 - 36 hours). It was seen that the non-survivors had significant tachycardia at admission, and a greater need for assisted ventilation compared to the survivors. We conclude that nitroglycerine therapy could bring about significant improvement in myocardial function and hemodynamic parameters with a potential for improved survival.