Health physics
Comparative Study
Domestic radon risks may be dominated by bystander effects--but the risks are unlikely to be greater than we thought.
Radon risks derive from exposure of bronchio-epithelial cells to alpha particles. Alpha-particle exposure can result in bystander effects when irradiated cells emit signals resulting in damage to nearby unirradiated bystander cells. Bystander effects can cause downwardly-curving dose-response relations and inverse dose-rate effects. ⋯ The analysis concludes that a naive linear extrapolation of radon miner data to low doses, without accounting for dose rate/bystander effects, would result in an underestimation of domestic radon risks by about a factor of approximately 4. However, recent domestic radon risk estimates (BEIR VI) have already applied a phenomenological correction factor of approximately 4 for inverse dose-rate effects, and have thus already implicitly taken into account corrections which we here suggest are due to bystander effects. Thus current domestic radon risk estimates are unlikely to be underestimates as a result of bystander effects.