Health physics
The use of surveyed data on the x-ray tube workloads and clinical exposure parameters was suggested in NCRP Report No. 147 for the structural shielding design of medical x-ray installations. To guide the shielding design of radiographic x-ray rooms in Taiwan, a large-scale survey was conducted to collect information required for the computations of the transmissions from broad x-ray beams through shielding materials. Surveyed data were collected during one week from 10,750 projections of 6,657 examinations in 13 radiographic rooms from nine hospitals. ⋯ The latter computations were for a sensitivity study to find the influence of workload variations in different hospitals on the shielding requirements. All surveyed data and calculated results were compared with corresponding values given in NCRP 147 to analyze the radiographic imaging differences between Taiwan and U. S.