Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation
Arch Phys Med Rehabil · May 2002
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical TrialSuprascapular nerve block for pain relief in adhesive capsulitis: comparison of 2 different techniques.
To evaluate the clinical effectiveness of 2 suprascapular nerve block techniques in adhesive capsulitis. ⋯ The near-nerve electromyography technique for suprascapular nerve block was more successful in providing and maintaining pain relief for up to 60 minutes.
Arch Phys Med Rehabil · May 2002
Radiation exposure of the spinal interventionalist performing fluoroscopically guided lumbar transforaminal epidural steroid injections.
To evaluate radiation exposure to spinal interventionalists while performing transforaminal epidural steroid injections (TFESIs). ⋯ Adhering to a radiation safety program that includes maximizing the distance the spinal interventionalist is from the radiation source, decreasing exposure time, and proper shielding is essential when performing fluoroscopically guided lumbar TFESIs. Our study shows that exposure to radiation of the spinal interventionalist performing fluoroscopically guided lumbar TFESIs was well within safety limits when proper techniques were followed.
Arch Phys Med Rehabil · May 2002
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical TrialStep training with body weight support: effect of treadmill speed and practice paradigms on poststroke locomotor recovery.
To investigate the effect of practice paradigms that varied treadmill speed during step training with body weight support in subjects with chronic hemiparesis after stroke. ⋯ Training at speeds comparable with normal walking velocity was more effective in improving SSV than training at speeds at or below the patient's typical overground walking velocity.
Arch Phys Med Rehabil · May 2002
Acute predictors of return to employment after traumatic brain injury: a longitudinal follow-up.
To investigate the relation between selected acute injury and patient characteristics and subsequent return to work 1 to 5 years postinjury. ⋯ The relationship between certain acute injury and patient variables (eg, age, preinjury productivity, education, discharge FIM) and subsequent return to work may provide rehabilitation professionals with useful information regarding the intensity and types of services needed for individuals in the vocational rehabilitation planning process.
Arch Phys Med Rehabil · May 2002
Functional outcome after inpatient rehabilitation in persons with subarachnoid hemorrhage.
To describe inpatient rehabilitation outcome in persons with nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) and to explore the predictive capacity of acute measures of SAH severity and demographic and disease variables. ⋯ Functional gains during inpatient rehabilitation made in this group of 42 persons with SAH are in line with earlier studies. Our rehabilitation LOS is the shortest reported among 4 studies to date and is probably a reflection of managed care in the United States. A small sample, uneven cell sizes, and variability of patients might have contributed to a lack of significant findings. Future study should explore the prediction of rehabilitation outcome using larger sample sizes and longer follow-up periods.