Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation
Arch Phys Med Rehabil · Sep 2004
Intensity and daily reliability of the six-minute walk test in moderate chronic heart failure patients.
To assess the intensity and daily reliability of the six-minute walk test (6MWT) in patients with moderate chronic heart failure (CHF). ⋯ Despite an intensity significantly lower but close to that of the symptom-limited exercise test, the 6MWT was well tolerated in both CHF groups. In these populations, the 6MWT is reliable on a daily basis, for the distance walked. However, for assessing VO2 and heart rate values in CHF-D patients, the 6MWT must always be performed at the same time of day.
Arch Phys Med Rehabil · Sep 2004
Clinical Trial Controlled Clinical TrialTargeted postoperative care improves discharge outcome after hip or knee arthroplasty.
To determine whether targeted postoperative care, based on preoperative risk assessment, can increase the number of patients who are discharged home directly from acute care after elective hip or knee arthroplasty. ⋯ Use of the RAPT and targeted postoperative care resulted in more patients being discharged directly home after hip or knee arthroplasty while hospital LOS further decreased.
Arch Phys Med Rehabil · Sep 2004
Recovery of the precision grip in children after traumatic brain injury.
To identify quantitative parameters that are sensitive enough to detect impairments and improvements of grasping in children after traumatic brain injury (TBI) by analyzing the isometric fingertip forces of a precision grip-lift task. ⋯ Impairments and the recovery of grasping in children after TBI can be objectified with quantitative analyses of the precision grip. Several grip-force and timing parameters were sensitive for the description of restitution processes.
To determine the incidence of psychiatric illness 3 years after mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) in children. ⋯ In the 3 years after mild TBI, children with no evidence of prior-year psychiatric history were at significantly increased risk for psychiatric illness, particularly hyperactivity in the first year after injury. Prior-year psychiatric history conferred a significant independent risk for subsequent psychiatric illness. There was no evidence for an additional increase in risk in the 3-year follow-up that is attributable to mild TBI in children with prior psychiatric history.
Arch Phys Med Rehabil · Sep 2004
H-reflex latency and nerve root tension sign correlation in fluoroscopically guided, contrast-confirmed, translaminar lumbar epidural steroid-bupivacaine injections.
To examine the correlation between physical examination parameters, commonly referred to as "nerve root tension signs," and H-reflex latency measurements both pre- and postepidural steroid-bupivacaine (Marcaine) injection, and to propose mechanisms of pain alleviation. ⋯ Significant improvements in SST and SLR result from low volume epidural injection of Marcaine, with questionable prolongation of the H-reflex to the gastrocnemius-soleus complex on the affected side.