Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation
Arch Phys Med Rehabil · Sep 2005
Comparative StudyPreliminary development of a clinical prediction rule for determining which patients with low back pain will respond to a stabilization exercise program.
To develop a clinical prediction rule to predict treatment response to a stabilization exercise program for patients with low back pain (LBP). ⋯ It appears that the response to a stabilization exercise program in patients with LBP can be predicted from variables collected from the clinical examination. The prediction rules could be used to determine whether patients with LBP are likely to benefit from stabilization exercises.
Arch Phys Med Rehabil · Sep 2005
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical TrialLumbar spine segmental mobility assessment: an examination of validity for determining intervention strategies in patients with low back pain.
To examine the predictive validity of posterior-anterior (PA) mobility testing in a group of patients with low back pain (LBP). ⋯ Patients with LBP judged to have lumbar hypomobility experienced greater benefit from an intervention including manipulation; those judged to have hypermobility were more likely to benefit from a stabilization exercise program.
Arch Phys Med Rehabil · Sep 2005
Comparative StudyUse and perceived need of physical therapy following severe lower-extremity trauma.
To examine the utilization of physical therapy (PT), the level of perceived need for PT, and the proportion of patients with perceived need receiving no PT in a cohort of severe lower-extremity trauma patients treated at level I trauma centers. ⋯ The results suggest a significant proportion of patients in the severe lower-extremity trauma population have perceived need for PT, yet receive no PT services.
Arch Phys Med Rehabil · Sep 2005
Comparative StudyApplication of a volar static splint in poststroke spasticity of the upper limb.
To evaluate clinical and neurophysiologic effects of 3-month reflex inhibitory splinting (RIS) for poststroke upper-limb spasticity. ⋯ RIS may be used as an integrative treatment of poststroke upper-limb spasticity. It can be used comfortably at home, in selected patients without functional hand movements, and in cases of poor response or tolerance to antispastic drugs.
Arch Phys Med Rehabil · Sep 2005
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical TrialManual acupuncture for analgesia during electromyography: a pilot study.
To evaluate the analgesic effect of acupuncture for needle electromyography and to validate a sham acupuncture needle. ⋯ Acupuncture may represent an effective form of analgesia for electromyography. This is the first study to suggest independently the telescopic sham acupuncture needle as an effective control.