Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation
Arch Phys Med Rehabil · Nov 2013
Relationship between communication skills and gross motor function in preschool-aged children with cerebral palsy.
To explore the communication skills of children with cerebral palsy (CP) at 24 months' corrected age with reference to typically developing children, and to determine the relationship between communication ability, gross motor function, and other comorbidities associated with CP. ⋯ Preschool-aged children with CP, with more severe gross motor impairment, showed delayed communication, while children with mild motor impairment were less vulnerable. Term-born children had significantly poorer communication than those born prematurely. Because a portion of each gross motor functional severity level is at risk, this study reinforces the need for early monitoring of communication development for all children with CP.
Arch Phys Med Rehabil · Nov 2013
Upper-extremity and mobility subdomains from the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) adult physical functioning item bank.
To create upper-extremity and mobility subdomain scores from the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) physical functioning adult item bank. ⋯ Upper-extremity and mobility subdomains shared about 35% of the variance in common, and produced comparable scores whether calibrated separately or together. The identification of the subset of items tapping these 2 aspects of physical functioning and scored using the existing PROMIS parameters provides the option of scoring these subdomains in addition to the overall physical functioning score.
Arch Phys Med Rehabil · Nov 2013
ReviewEffects of locomotor training after incomplete spinal cord injury: a systematic review.
To provide an overview of, and evaluate the current evidence on, locomotor training approaches for gait rehabilitation in individuals with incomplete spinal cord injury to identify the most effective therapies. ⋯ Evidence on the effectiveness of locomotor therapy is limited. All approaches show some potential for improvement of ambulatory function without superiority of 1 approach over another. More research on this topic is required.
Arch Phys Med Rehabil · Nov 2013
Randomized Controlled TrialPhysiotherapy for sleep disturbance in people with chronic low back pain: results of a feasibility randomized controlled trial.
To determine the feasibility of a randomized controlled trial investigating the effectiveness of physiotherapy for sleep disturbance in chronic low back pain (CLBP) (≥12wks). ⋯ The high prevalence of sleep disturbance indicated the feasibility of good recruitment in future trials. The PSQI would be a suitable screening tool and outcome measure alongside an objective nonobtrusive sleep outcome measure. The effectiveness of physiotherapy for sleep disturbance in CLBP warrants investigation in a fully powered randomized controlled trial.
Arch Phys Med Rehabil · Nov 2013
Association between disease-specific quality of life and magnetic resonance imaging outcomes in a clinical trial of prolotherapy for knee osteoarthritis.
To assess the relation between knee osteoarthritis (KOA)-specific quality of life (QOL) and intra-articular cartilage volume (CV) in participants treated with prolotherapy. KOA is characterized by CV loss and multifactorial pain. Prolotherapy is an injection therapy reported to improve KOA-related QOL to a greater extent than blinded saline injections and at-home exercise, but its mechanism of action is unclear. ⋯ Prolotherapy resulted in safe, substantial improvement in KOA-specific QOL compared with control over 52 weeks. Among prolotherapy participants, but not controls, magnetic resonance imaging-assessed CV change (CV stability) predicted pain severity score change, suggesting that prolotherapy may have a pain-specific disease-modifying effect. Further research is warranted.