Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical Trial
Randomised trial of fentanyl anaesthesia in preterm babies undergoing surgery: effects on the stress response.
In a randomised controlled trial, preterm babies undergoing ligation of a patent ductus arteriosus were given nitrous oxide and d-tubocurarine, with (n = 8) or without (n = 8) the addition of fentanyl (10 micrograms/kg intravenously) to the anaesthetic regimen. Major hormonal responses to surgery, as indicated by changes in plasma adrenaline, noradrenaline, glucagon, aldosterone, corticosterone, 11-deoxycorticosterone, and 11-deoxycortisol levels, in the insulin/glucagon, molar ratio, and in blood glucose, lactate, and pyruvate concentrations were significantly greater in the non-fentanyl than in the fentanyl group. ⋯ Compared with the fentanyl group, the non-fentanyl group had circulatory and metabolic complications postoperatively. The findings indicate that preterm babies mount a substantial stress response to surgery under anaesthesia with nitrous oxide and curare and that prevention of this response by fentanyl anaesthesia may be associated with an improved postoperative outcome.
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
Effect of a ginkgolide mixture (BN 52063) in antagonising skin and platelet responses to platelet activating factor in man.
Antagonism of the effects of platelet activating factor (PAF) by the ginkgolide mixture BN 52063 was assessed in a double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study in 6 normal subjects. Weal and flare responses to 400 ng PAF, examined 2 h after ingestion of BN 52063 (80 mg, 120 mg) were inhibited in a dose-related manner. ⋯ In vitro, BN 52063 inhibited PAF-induced but not ADP-induced platelet aggregation. Thus BN 52063 seems to be an antagonist of PAF in man.
Comparative Study Clinical Trial Controlled Clinical Trial
Comparison of Edmonston-Zagreb and Schwarz strains of measles vaccine given by aerosol or subcutaneous injection.
The serological response to measles vaccine was tested in Bangladesh in groups of infants aged 4-6 months who received equal doses of Edmonston-Zagreb or Schwarz vaccine by subcutaneous injection or by aerosol. Seroconversion (as measured by the haemagglutination test) occurred in 62% of infants receiving Edmonston-Zagreb strain by injection compared with only 37% of those receiving Schwarz strain. Seroconversion occurred in 35% of those given Edmonston-Zagreb and 34% of those given Schwarz vaccine by aerosol. Edmonston-Zagreb strain appears more effective than Schwarz vaccine in this population and further studies are indicated in other populations where early measles immunisation is desirable.