Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) affects reproductive planning due to psychological effects and mechanical problems related to surgery. Children of people with IBD have an increased risk of about 10% if one parent has IBD and up to 33% if both parents have IBD. The fertility of people with IBD is similar to the general population, but fertility might be reduced in individuals with active IBD, ileal pouch-anal anastomosis, or perianal Crohn's disease. ⋯ A period of disease remission is advisable before pregnancy and could reduce the risks for both the pregnant person and the fetus. Flexible endoscopy, intestinal ultrasound, and gadolinium-free magnetic resonance enterography are safe during pregnancy. We provide state-of-the-art knowledge on the basis of the latest evidence to ensure successful pregnancy outcomes in controlled IBD.
The historical and contemporary alignment of medical and health journals with colonial practices needs elucidation. Colonialism, which sought to exploit colonised people and places, was justified by the prejudice that colonised people's ways of knowing and being are inferior to those of the colonisers. Institutions for knowledge production and dissemination, including academic journals, were therefore central to sustaining colonialism and its legacies today. ⋯ We illuminate links between The Lancet and colonialism, with examples from the past and present, showing how the journal legitimised and continues to promote specific types of knowers, knowledge, perspectives, and interpretations in health and medicine. The Lancet's role in colonialism is not unique; other institutions and publications across the British empire cooperated with empire-building through colonisation. We therefore propose investigations and raise questions to encourage broader contestation on the practices, audience, positionality, and ownership of journals claiming leadership in global knowledge production.
Individuals with rare kidney diseases account for 5-10% of people with chronic kidney disease, but constitute more than 25% of patients receiving kidney replacement therapy. The National Registry of Rare Kidney Diseases (RaDaR) gathers longitudinal data from patients with these conditions, which we used to study disease progression and outcomes of death and kidney failure. ⋯ RaDaR is funded by the Medical Research Council, Kidney Research UK, Kidney Care UK, and the Polycystic Kidney Disease Charity.