The Medical clinics of North America
Opioids have been successfully used for the management of acute and cancer-related pain. Concerns regarding side effects, tolerance, dependence, addiction, and hyperalgesia have limited the use of opioids for the management of chronic nonmalignant pain. This article will review updated information from both clinical and preclinical studies regarding opioid-induced hyperalgesia, tolerance, and dependence. The implications of these issues in clinical opioid therapy also will be discussed.
Painful conditions of the musculoskeletal system, including myofascial pain syndrome, constitute some of the most important chronic problems encountered in a clinical practice. A myofascial trigger points is a hyperirritable spot, usually within a taut band of skeletal muscle, which is painful on compression and can give rise to characteristic referred pain, motor dysfunction, and autonomic phenomena. ⋯ Invasive treatments for myofascial trigger points include injections with local anesthetics, corticosteroids, or botulism toxin or dry needling. The etiology, pathophysiology, and treatment of myofascial trigger points are addressed in this article.
Vertebral compression fractures occur more frequently than hip and ankle fractures combined. These fragility fractures frequently result in both acute and chronic pain, but more importantly are a source of increased morbidity and possibly mortality. ⋯ The history, technique, and results of vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty are reviewed. Both methods allow for the introduction of bone cement into the fracture site with clinical results indicating substantial pain relief in approximately 90% of patients.
Since the first use of intrathecal (IT) drug infusion systems in the early 1980s, these delivery systems have undergone numerous revisions making them more tolerable, easier to program, and longer lasting. Concurrent with technological advances, the indications for IT pump placement have also been continuously evolving, to the point where the most common indication is now noncancer pain. This article provides an evidence-based review of the indications, efficacy, and complications of IT drug therapy for the most commonly administered spinal analgesics.
This article reviews the evidence for several common interventional techniques for the treatment of chronic pain, including: intraspinal delivery of analgesics, reversible blockade with local anesthetics, augmentation with spinal cord stimulation, and ablation with radiofrequency energy or neurolytic agents. The role of these techniques is defined within the framework of a multidisciplinary approach to the neurobehavioral syndrome of chronic pain. Challenges to the study of the analgesic efficacy of procedural interventions are explored, as are the practical issues raised by their clinical implementation, with the aim of helping nonspecialist physicians identify the patients most likely to benefit from these approaches.