The Journal of family practice
NO. In general, nonoral estrogen use for menopausal symptoms is associated with a lower cardiovascular (CV) risk profile than oral estrogen use (strength of recommendation [SOR], B; meta-analysis of cohort studies). ⋯ Vaginal estrogen therapy also is associated with lower CV-related mortality for 3 to 5 years compared withnonuse (SOR, B; cohort study). No high-quality randomized trials address this topic.
Case Reports
51-year-old woman • History of Graves disease • General fatigue, palpitations, and hand tremors • Dx?
► history of Graves disease ► general fatigue, palpitations, and hand tremors.
PROBABLY NOT. In patients who have hypertension, the timing of administration of antihypertensive medications does not appear to impact cardiovascular outcomes (strength of recommendation: B; contradictory randomized controlled trials).
The location of the nodules and the patient's history were important diagnostic clues. The punch biopsy confirmed our suspicions.
Multicenter Study
A new standard for treatment of torus fractures of the wrist?
A large multicenter trial evaluated effects on pain and function for pediatric patients treated with a soft bandage vs rigid immobilization.